Stiles last fight

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Stiles POV

I can't believe it!! Scott betrayed us. He split us up knowing to make me come here. He's been in it the whole time.

"Scott...please tell me this is all a joke. I'm being punked right? There's no way that my best friend my brother even would want me dead." I made a move towards him with my hands raised in surrender. He did not move. He did not flinch. He did not talk. It's almost like this wasn't him.

"Oh Stiles he can't hear you. It's part of this thing the Dread Doctors gave me. He'll do whatever I say." Jackson came up and pulled me back gently.

"Kill him Scott." He said. Strong and short. I thought that at this moment Scott would pull through and come back. I was wrong. What did happen is be started to advance on me. With every step he took forward I took another step back.

Jackson's POV

I came forward to help him, but not before Theo could stop me. Man does this guy ever lay off. Like my god. He needs to take time off.

"Ah ah ah. I can't have you interfering with that. You'll just have to let the cards fall where they may." I just laughed in his face.

"Yeah right. Like I'm going to let you kill my boyfriend." He didn't look amused though. Instead he growled and bared his fangs. Next thing I know I was on the ground with him on top of me.

"You won't really have a choice in the matter." He had me pinned on the ground. Even with my extra hybrid powers I couldn't get him off of me.

"STILES RUN!!!!!" I yelled, but he didn't seem to hear me. He was caught up in his best friend betraying him and the rest of the pack. Well not really. Actually it technically isn't really him. It's Theo who's controlling him.

"STILES!!!" That caught his attention. He turned to me and that's of course when Scott decided to pounce on him.

Stiles POV

Scott pounced as soon as I turned my attention to Jackson for even a second. Before I knew it my arms were pinned above my head and Scott had my legs down so hard that it took everything I had to not tell in pain.

He pulled his claws out and positioned them right above my stomach. Then came the hard part. He pushed in. I could feel the claws entering my stomach as blood pooled around his fingers. That didn't stop him though he just kept pushing until I screamed.

"Scott listen to me okay. You're not a monster. You're my best friend and I need you. You're still the dopey puppy dog eyed dork with the crooked jaw that I've known since I was four. Please Scott stop." I was begging. I didn't stop until I saw the realization dawn on his eyes. Scott was back.

Once he saw what he had done he immediately backed away scared at the sight of what he had done to me.

"Stiles I'm so sorry. I don't know what can over me." He was crying as he ducked in the corner.

I was desperately putting pressure on my stomach, but it was no use. There were too many holes. I couldn't plug them all.

Theo looked at me for a moment and smiled satisfied that his plan had worked. Then he ran off. Jackson was probably going to run after him, but then he saw me. His facial expression instantly turned to worry and he ran over to me. He took me in his arms pulling me closer as he sobbed into my chest.

"Jackson?" I said quietly. He heard it though and he lifted his tear filled eyes to meet mine.

"I'm scared. I'm really scared. What's going to happen to me after I die?" I was asking frantically.

"Stiles just look at me and hang on. SCOTT CALL FOR HELP!!" Scott immediately pulled his phone out and began to call the pack.

"Jackson?" I said once again. And once again he turned to face me.

"Promise me something?" He nodded and looked deeper into my eyes.

"Anything. Just name it." Why? Why did I have to leave him now? I would've rather have let the disease run its course. Now I'm dying in his arms.

"Promise me you'll save me. That you'll be there when I wake up from this dread and horror filled nightmare." He nodded as I saw his tears begin to fall at a faster pace than before.

"I promise." Then he started shaking from his sobs. I could feel my body shake alongside his.

"Go to Lydia. Although she had the disease. I made her promise to give you something. Make sure she gives it to you." He nodded again, his shakes becoming stronger than before.

"Last thing,"he looked desperate for my last words.

Jackson's POV

"Sing to me. Sing me the song you sang on the night of the dance. I want to go out hearing your voice." I nodded and prepared myself to sing the song. Both physically and mentally.

This is critical
I am feeling helpless
So hysterical
And this can't be healthy

I can't eat or sleep
When you're not with me
Baby you're the air I breathe

This is critical
So stuck on you

As I sang the last words I felt his body go limp in my arms. That's when I lost it. I started to shake him, begging him to wake up. Thinking that maybe there's a chance. Even if it's a small one. That he'll wake up. He didn't though. He stayed still.

I felt the pack come up around me, and one by one they placed their hands on my shoulders.

"He can't be gone. He just can't be. Stiles come on wake up. Wake up Stiles this isn't funny anymore. STILES WAKE UP!!!" I screamed as I was dragged away from his limp form. I didn't stop screaming until my throat felt raw.

I felt Allison wrap her arms around me as she pulled me in for comfort. I resisted. I just wanted to get back to Stiles. Eventually I gave in, and fell into her awaiting arms.

I just sat there as I watched Stiles dead form being drenched in the pouring rain. It's over. Theo is getting exactly what he wants. And now that we know what he's capable of. We can't stop him.

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