Stiles and Liam

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Liam's POV

I think the pack is more worried about Stiles than me. They should be though. He's on stage 4 whereas I am only on stage 2. He's going really fast through the stages.

I stand by what I said earlier though. I don't think it's an accident that me and Stiles were the ones to get sick.

What do we have in common though? What do we have that sets us apart from everyone else. We both have mental problems. He has ADHD where I have IED. That wouldn't set us apart though. Lots of people have those problems, not just us. What else?

We both play lacrosse. Lots of other kids do though. They haven't gotten sick. We have though.

God why is this so difficult. There isn't anything. We weren't targeted for no reason though. Or maybe there is nothing to it, and we just got sick. Maybe this disease is finally hitting me mentally.

Coughing. Guess Stiles is finally up. How is he going through the stages so fast? I have been sick for almost as long as him. How am I so behind him? Shouldn't I be moving just as fast, or maybe even faster due to my werewolf parts. What if it's my werewolf parts that are making me sick.

"SCOTT!!!!!!" I yell as loud as I possibly can. He is down here within seconds.

"Yeah Liam what's up?" He looked really scared.

"IS MY WEREWOLF SIDE MAKING THE DISEASE EFFECT ME DIFFERENTLY!!!" We had to yell because Stiles coughing was really loud.


"OKAY BUT DID HE SAY THAT EVERYONE WAS EFFECTED EQUALLY?" Then Scott stopped. Then he ran out of the room. I thought. What did I say?

Scott's POV

Liam was on to something. He still hasn't advanced from stage 2 where Stiles is on the 4th.

"Allison!" I yelled to her as I saw her pacing in the hallway. She looks up at me and walks over.

"Yeah Scott what's up?"
"Liam thinks it's effecting him differently because he's a werewolf."
"But didn't Stiles day that it could effect everyone?" I nodded.

"Yeah but he didn't say that it would effect everyone the same." I could tell it clicked in her head right then. Her eyes went wide and she nodded.

"GUYS GET UP HERE YOU HAVE YO SEE WHAT'S ON THE TV!!" We heard Derek yell from upstairs. We looked at each other once and ran upstairs.

"Look what they're showing on the TV." He pointed at the television in the middle of the room. Everyone was crowded around it.

"We have come to the conclusion that this disease isn't contagious. It's not much of a disease actually. Fake information was given out. The names you heard are the names of all real people." The reporter looked around at her co anchor.

"The names of the diseased are the following are Hayden Romero, Tracy Stewart, and Josh Diaz."

I visibly paled at the names. Those kids had all been a part of the Chimera pack. The pack that Theo created.

"Guys I think I figured it out." I said proudly as I made my way towards the front of the room.

"So the the diseased are all kids that went to Beacon Hills high right?" They all nodded in response.

"These kids were all part of the Chimera pack we faced less than a month ago correct?" Once again they nodded.

"Theo is the ones that have is the fake names, and his group was the only one to not respond." They looked confused. I though I had finished even it suddenly clicked again.

"And Liam and stiles were part of the pack he wanted, along with Malia," she looked up shocked,"Kira who isn't here right now, and Lydia. He wanted everyone in my pack but me." Finally it clicked for them. I just can't believe I thought of it first.

We were discussing when suddenly Kira came running in.

"I figured it out you guys. Sorry I would've came earlier but the whole quarantine thing was happening. Oh and I brought Ethan and Aiden with me." I looked at her and smiled. At least we knew more that she wasn't a suspect. Or that she wasn't with Theo on this one.

"Kira as much as I appreciate your dedication to all of this. Stiles and Liam are both sick, I feel like you, Malia, and Lydia are next and we are running out of time." She looked shocked that I had figured it out. Like come on I am not that dumb. I am smarter than people give me credit for. In the end though she just nodded. I don't think she knew.

"Wait hang on. Stiles and Liam are sick, why wouldn't you guys call and tell me, or even the twins. Sorry no offense." She crossed her arms and pouted at Scott.

"Wait a minute. Didn't they say that they found out that it wasn't contagious?" Allison asked as she looked around the room. Everyone nodded,"Well then why don't we let Stiles and Liam out of there and let them hang out with us. It's not like we can catch it."

"I don't know Allison. Stiles is hacking his lungs out and Liam keeps passing out. Maybe it isn't the best time to be letting them out yet." Everyone silently agreed with me, but Allison just looked straight up disappointed.

"I'm sorry, but I am not too sure if it's the right idea. I don't want to do this but it's for mine, yours, and everyone's safety. It's a new disease, and it seems to have Theo Raeken written all over it. No one understands this disease so it really isn't their call to make on whether or not it's contagious or not." She nodded even though everyone knew that she was crushed.

"Wait a second do you guys hear that?" Jackson spoke up breaking the silence. We all shook our head no but I knew what he was getting at.

"Exactly." He was onto something.

No coughing

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