chapter 19

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Autumns POV

"Yeah well make it quick I still want you to show us around before we leave" my dad said and laughed but I wasn't in the mood to laugh. "It's kind of about all of that..." I said not wanting to continue. "It's about this school" my brother tried to help me. The confusion in my parents faces was obvious. "How do you know" my mom asked my brother "I had to tell someone" i mumbled "tell what autumn" my dad asked becoming angry. "Well... this is not the school you wanted me to go to" I said and waited for a reaction. "What do you mean? It's the Ambrose academy right" my mom said looking around. "Yeah well there multiple. And I enrolled in the wrong one" I explained. "Okay.. well that's a bummer why didn't you say so earlier. Maybe we could have switched it" my dad said still confused why this was such a big deal. My brother looked at me pitying what I was going through. "No there's no need for that I like it here." I said "but that's besides the point" I added and looked at my hands "the problem is.. what this school focuses on" I started slowly. "Well it cant be that bad right. If one was about bakery this is probably about I don't know... beverages or something" my dad joked and I scoffed. "I'm just gonna say it. But promise me you'll stay calm and listen to me before you say anything" I begged them. All I got were raised eyebrows. "This is a school for assassins" I said and braced myself for their reaction. They both looked pale. "You're kidding right@ my mom said anxiously. I shook my head slowly and looked at my brother. He smiled at me weakly. "And you knew about this" my mom asked my brother after noticing our interaction. He nodded. "How could you be so irresponsible not to tell us! This is your sister" my dad accused Aaron. "No wait I asked him not to.. well we both agreed it would be best not to tell you directly since I began to like it here" I tried to explain. "You can't expect us to just let you continue with all of this! This is incredibly dangerous. And it's not your thing. You're way to nice for any of this. You can't kill people. We won't let you" my mom scolded me. Exactly what I expected. Exactly what I dreaded.
"Mom it's less dangerous than you think. We've got great teacher and we're protected. They know what they're doing. Maybe when I graduate I can get some kind of administrative job. I don't want to kill anyone. Believe me." I tried to make them understand. My dad just shook his head. "If that's what she wants to do then let her. Like you did with me" my brother tried to support me. "You can't just compare that" my mother laughed appalled about the idea. "But just listen to me... I like it here. I'm happy... I get to learn how to defend myself. I'm safe and I can protect myself. You're right about killing people. I can't do that. Innocent people at least. Maybe at all. I don't know. But I've got friends here now. " I listed off hoping they'd change their mind. "And she's gotten good at all of this here" my brother added. "I can't believe we're talking about this" my dad mumbled. "How could this happen" he asked and I shrugged. "Can we make a deal? I'll show you around and tell you what we're doing exactly and then I want you to think about it. If you're okay with this. I really want to stay. Please" I said doubting they'd say yes. My parents looked at each other. "You can show us around but I doubt we'll change our minds" my mom said and I nodded sadly. This wasn't fair. In the end Id just pay the Tuition myself and stay. This had to work somehow. Even if they didn't like it. I was old enough to decide what I wanted to do.
We sat there for a little longer letting it all sink in before I started to show them around. I started at our normal classrooms where we had maths and then continued to our chemistry wing telling them what we were doing there. "Just think off us as a special form of police officers..." I tried to convince them. "That's why we need to know how to build all of that. And mix antidotes and so on" I stated not wanting to look at them to see their reaction. It hurt me a little that they didn't believe and trust me enough. We continued looking at our gym and the field where we ran everyday. They were impressed by how much sport we were doing and how fit I had to be. "That's why you look so different" my mom mumbled as we were walking over the fields. I had told them about the hand to hand combat and everything. I even briefly told them that our weekend missions existed but I didn't really explain what they were about. I just hoped by now the reoccurring theme of violence wasn't to much for them because we had just arrived at our shooting hall. I could already hear that someone was in there. I just hoped it wasn't anyone creepy. My parents seemed tense probably unsure what was going to happen now. My brother on the other hand seemed really excited. The different between them almost made me laugh but it would have to be a sad laugh. But unfortunately they had Handled it as I had expected. I sighed and opened the door. The shooting stopped for a second and I heard realoading. We walked in and I scanned the rooms to see who was here with us. To my surprise it was jym. Our eyes locked for a second and I smiled at him weakly. He turned back to the target thing and started shooting again. I turned around again to say something but right after the first shot was fired my mom started screaming. I looked at her shocked and worried "mom are you okay@ I asked and she stared at jym appalled. "I- he just startled me. The sound" she tried to explain while my father rubbed her back. "Maybe it's better we leave" I mumbled and my dad nodded. "No I wanted to see you shoot" my brother pouted and my mom hit him "Aaron your sister shouldn't do things like that" she argued and I sighed. "Maybe you can stay with jym for a while. Just tell him you're my brother. Hell probably be nice to you" I said to Aaron and shrugged "maybe he'll teach you how to shoot he's a great teacher" I added and my brother nodded excitedly "go ask him and then mom dad and I will leave" I explained and looked at my parents who didn't seem too enthusiastic. I watched my brother walk over to jym who took off his ear protection to hear what my brother wanted. After a while jym looked at me and nodded. "Thank you" I mouthed at him and really meant it. My brother gave me a thumbs up smiling widely and I waved the boys goodbye.
My parents and I left the shooting range in silence. "But you'll let your son shoot" I said offendedly " he's old enough to decide for himself... and it's only once I hope" my dad explained simply. I scoffed "I'm old enough too" I argued but my mom shook her head. "Youre our little girl. Please understand our reasons. I want you to be safe. Always. This is not for you honey. We love you. A lot. This I why we can't let you stay here" she said calmly and stroked my cheek. "You rather want me to be unhappy and safe with you than happy and mainly safe out there" I asked tears forming in my eyes. "Don't lie to yourself love. You can't possibly be happy here" my dad stated looking into my eyes. "Why can't you just believe me..." I mumbled sniffing. "Honey we're trying. But... We can't. This is... thinking back.. all those weeks you were here. We had no idea" My mom stuttered "yes exactly I was here. And I was fine" I said becoming angry. Tears slowly rolling down my cheeks. "Autumn. We don't want you here. It's wrong.. i don't care how-.." my father started "yes I know you don't care" I yelled and stormed off.
I ran towards my room hoping no one would see me crying. I ran around the corner into the corridor where my room was situated when I heard someone call after me "autumn? Are you okay" I heard Tiago yell. I sniffed. "I'm fine" I yelled back opening the door to my room. My voice broke though making it obvious I wasn't fine at all. "Wait" he said but I had already shut the door behind me throwing myself on my bed. Tears were streaming down my face.
Shortly later I heard a knock on my door. "Autumn?" I Heard Tiago ask calmly. "Do you want to tell me what happened" he added and I heard him rest his forehead at the door. I sniffled. "No it's fine" I somehow got out. "Autumn I don't believe you and you know that" he said and chuckled slightly. "I want to help you. Let me come in please" Tiago said empathically. I wiped some tears away and stood up contemplating whether to let him in or not. Another wave of tears rolled over me as I opened the door.
"Come here" he said spreading his arms after closing the door behind him. I sniffled and hugged him. He hugged me back and stroked my head trying to calm me down. It did help somehow. I buried my head in his shoulder as I tried to control my tears. Tiago picked me up and sat us down on my bed still holding and shushing me. "What can I do to make you feel better again" he asked resting his head on top of mine

Jyms POV

I was just shooting my next round when I saw someone walk up to me. I took off my ear protection to see autumns brother standing there he seems pretty chilled and asked if I could show him how to shoot "ya sure only if u tell me where you get your tats done they look great"i said regarding his tattoos on his arms. I smirked and told me he did them himself as he was telling me that I looked at autumn and nodded before focusing on him again "well you better make me a appointment I'll come by anytime" I said and told him the basics of shooting which were simple. "Let the gun shoot for you feel where it wants to shoot and let it follow its lead" I said and handed him some extra ear protection that was laying around and gave him a small pistol telling him the machine gun is something else. After he emptied one magazine all hitting the target near the bulls eye - I was impressed - we headed out and I told him some of the schools history "you're a natural unlike your sister" I said and he chuckled "well I got steady hands have to as a tattoo artist and well shes clumsy has been since small." He said and I laughed agreeing "and stubborn and impatient" I added and he just nodded "oh yes ya we really are talking about the same person autumn is a mess but she learns fast" I just nodded at his statement "so what about you your parents not cominh" he asked and I signed as we headed in the direction of the lobby "their here" I said and he looked at me confused "we dont really get along. Well actually we dont even talk. I'm not their son in their eyes. I was born to help my brother survive and then I was just pushed to the side. To them in dint exist" I explained and he looked at me with wide eyes "oh man that's harsh" was all he said "so your brother wheres he" he asked and I looked down at the floor "he died a couple months ago in the summer break. He went on a mission and the whole team got killed." I said and he didnt say anything to which I was grateful for "it's a reason I'm helping your sister she reminds me so much of him. Stubborn impatient kind funny but both cant shoot people even if their life depends on it" I said I don't know why I felt like I need to tell him but I did. We got to the lobby where autumns parents stood by themselves "where's autumn" autumns bother whoes name is Aaron asked "she ran off. We will be pulling her out of this school it's to dangerous" her father said and I looked at him "no please done. She actually really does love this school" I said out of no where I dont know why I'm helping autumn I dont even like her well I may but ugh no. "No it doesnt matter if she likes it here she could be killed." Her mother whined and I looked at her "I promise that I'll keep her save. My names jym Ambrose and the school belongs to my parents. I already lost my brother to a mission because he was not ready and I wont let that happen to autumn. I have taken her under my protection by training her and in every field mission shes under my protection I will gladly die for her or at any bullet as long as she does not get hurt. So let her stay and i promise I will keep her safe" I said "and if not she can choose to stay and I will pay for her tuition and boarding" I added ams their eyes widened "ambrose as in the owners of this school" aaron asked me and I just nodded "could you please get autumn for us" her mother asked and I nodded. I turned around and headed to the stairs before I went up I turned around one more time "dont forget my name because if you dont let her continue going to school here I will make sure that she will. I'll pay for this school and make sure she cant get into any other one. Remember who your deadling with here a whole school of assassins" I added and then went up the stairs. I didnt care what autumn may think of me if her parents told her that I just threatened them but I'll do anything for her because I owned it to my brother. And she just to much like him so I'll make she to have her safe something I could do for my brother. I thought I would try her room first because theres no other place that held privacy. As I got to her room door I knocked and she opened up red eyed. "Are you ok" i asked and looked into her room to see tiago sitting on her bed. We stared at each other for a while and then he smirked that bastard wait till I get my hands on him I'll kill him. He was just out fucking violet and now he has his eyes on autumn oh yell no. I fisted my fist and took a deep breath before looking at autumn again "your parents are waiting for you downstairs ready to leave" I said to her and left I couldnt see tiago sitting there giving me that smirk.

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