chapter 2

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Autumns POV

The man who seemed to be the principal walked up stage and welcomed us all. I looked around and saw the two guys I’d met this morning but other than them I knew no one.
The principal talked about the schools values but what confused me was he compared the school system to some kind of video game.. whatever that meant.. then he said we’d have to do a physical my heart sank. God no. I hated shit like that. And for what? Did he think I wouldn’t survive all the sugar from baking classes or what the heck was it for. I groaned but kept listening.
He finally talked about classes. Hand to hand combat. Shooting classes. Weapon classes. My ears were ringing. What the heck was going on. This had to be a joke. I started getting hot. I think I was having a Panik attack. I felt like the walls were closing in on me. I tried to calm down. There had to be an explanation for this. I took a deep breath. Too concentrated on my own feeling that I didn’t notice the girl next to me who seemed equally as confused but less panicking. Suddenly everyone was shouting and whistling happily. I had no idea what the principal had said. I was still trying to calm my racing heart. I wanted to go home.
“We’ll have lots of famous assassins come in this year...” my eyes shot back to the principal. “This has to be a joke” I mumbled getting angry now. Someone had to fill me in now. What the Fuck.
The principal then explained our schedule and I listend trying to act like this was what I was here for. My thoughts were running wild though.
Mr Cain, the principal then introduced some important people after talking about extracurriculars.
The people on stage then explained the system In which orders we’d go to our physicals. The students started shuffling around. “Sorry um can you let me through... I’m definitely not supposed to be here” the confused girl next to me said with a red face trying to leave our line of chairs. “Wait.. what were you here for” I asked “because I think we might be having the same problem” I added and her eyes shot to mine. We made our way out of the auditorium slowly “well not like all of these psychopaths trying to become assassins i was planing to be a baker” the girl hissed and I couldn’t believe my ears. “Me too omg... I don’t understand what happened? Why am I here then” I asked relieved that I wasn’t alone. “I have no clue... but I don’t plan on finding out. I’m gonna go” she said. “I’m violet.. in case we’ll see each other again” she said smiling slightly “I’m autumn... I’m sure we will because I don’t think they’ll let you just leave like that” I stated “plus now that I know what these people are capable of I wouldn’t be too keen on go head to head with them.” I added quickly and she sighed. “I just want someone to explain this to me” she whined. “S” i heard the first letter of my last name through the speakers. my head shot up. My last name was Sinclair. “Let’s try to find each other after this physical.. maybe we’ll find something out by then” I said and made my way to wherever I was supposed to go leaving a confused but nodding violet behind. I was feeling a little better knowing violet was equally as confused and not supposed to be here.
A nurse introduced herself to me and checked of my name on some list. We were walking to the examination room I suppose when I couldn’t bare the silence. “Quick question... are there maybe multiple Ambrose institutions” I asked slowly and she looked at me weirdly. “Well yeah..” she said and made a pause. “Don’t Tell me...” she looked at me. “I don’t think I’m supposed to be here” I explained confirming her intuition. She opened the door for me and led me into the room. “That’s unfortunate.. I mean your application did reach this school so legally you have to stay.. I’d say. We also don’t really have a lot of girls... I think you should stay” she said. First of all I was happy that she was so nice to me. That was a surprise. Another one today. But then I realized what she’s said. I looked at her like she’d grown two heads. “I-I’m not staying. I was going to train to be a baker. A baker. Not an assassin. I’m not build for anything like that. Not physically nor mentally” I said and she chuckled. “We’ll See about ‘physically’ now” she said and I sighed. “I’m not staying” I repeated but more to myself. She then went on to test my heart and lungs and everything. My organs seemed to be fine. When I thought we were done she informed me about the endurance test I’d be taking now. “Oh god no” I whined. “I hate endurance. I don’t have any” I mumbled. She put all of these cables on me and started the machine thing. “What happened if I fail this” I asked. “Don’t talk” the nurse scolded me. “Well I believe you’ll get additional classes to balance out your skills and to meet the requirements.” She explained. So failing this would not be my way out. I tried my best during that endurance test but I literally felt I was breathing fire after a while. I couldn’t wait until this was over. And then it was. Finally.
“I must be below average” I panted. “Well it’s not perfect but I’m sure you’ll be fine” the nurse smiled and I rolled my eyes. I didn’t want to be fine. I wanted to learn about baking.
“Thank you for your time” I said “and being nice to me” I said when I left and walked out.
I thought about my family. I walked out back to the auditorium where I hoped to find violet. Since I didn’t see her I decided to call my mom. She didn’t answer her phone. So I called my brother. I needed to vent. “Hey what’s up. Calling already huh” my brother mocked me. “You won’t believe me what this whole day has been” I sighed and sat down on a bench. “You know I arrived here everything was fine . I found my room and everything. I got help for my boxes. All is well. So I go to the welcoming speech” I started and my brother only answered with agreeing noises. “So naturally I think this will be normal I’ll get my schedule and learn about my bakery stuff bla bla”
“This is starting to sound interesting” my brother mumbled
“Turns out my application wasn’t sent to some Ambrose bakery school thing whatever it would have been.. but to the Ambrose assassin school” I said frantically. My brother burst out laughing “you’re kidding right? There’s no such thing” he said but sounded more and more worried the longer I was silent. “Aaron I’ll have my first shooting class tomorrow after the 5mile jog at midnight I think” I said dryly. “Oh my god autumn...” Aaron mumbled shocked. “This is so cool actually I can’t believe it” he then added. I was about to snap “Aaron goddamnit this is very far from cool. I can’t do think shit. I’m a goddamn baker how do you imagine me to survive this” I asked furiously. Other students around me looked at me weirdly. And I tried to calm my voice “I’m having an mental break down over here bro” I remarked. “Calm down sis just wait for tomorrow maybe you’ll have fun. Just accept it for now and if You’re still unable to cope in a week I’ll get you and we’ll find something. Maybe you’ll be just fine just wait. I think assassins school is waaaay cooler than becoming a baker. No offense” he chuckled while trying to comfort me. I took a deep breath. “Fine maybe you’re right” I mumbled. He told me to not directly talk to our parents to make them fear for my life. I’d call them when I knew more about my situation. After some time I had calmed down and also found violet so my brother hung up.
Violet and I talked about our experience at the examination and I told her about the conversation I had with my brother. It took some persuasion to get her into the same mindset I was in now but I made it. “Also I only know you here. I don’t want to be alone” I pouted but violet rolled her eyes. “You can’t leave anyway... I mean you’re application landed here.. officially it seems like you wanted to be here. Just like me. We can’t just say we’ve changed our minds. Even if we wanted to” I repeated. “I think I’m going crazy...” violet mumbled and I chuckled. “I need food let’s go find lunch.. you can resume to persuade me after lunch” she smirked and we made our way to lunch

Jyms POV

I soon heard the door open up on the roof and I looked over to see josh, louis, Gemma and two other randin girls walk in the last two I didnt know. "Jym meet violet and autumn. They both are new here. And check it our the applied for the wrong school" josh introduced as he walked over laughing his head off almost tripping. I shook my head at him as they all sat down on the floor by me "they wanted to be bakers" louis said kinder. He was the nicer guy in the group the one you could tell anything to and wouldn't judge unlike the rest if use. But gemma was also one who you could openly speak too especially being the principals daughter. "Well must say it's nothing new happened before " I said as I remember back to another guy who applied for this school on accident. "What happened to him did he get to leave" I think violet asked. I kind of already forgot who was who. "Um no they died I think the first sunday here" I chuckled "well if I remember correctly." I picked up one of my burgers. The two girls looked at our plates to see so much food I mean josh had three burgers on his plate. Bog guys need lots of food. After eating my two burgers and fries I stole Josh's third burger "hey" he complained and I just grinned at him "I need more food then you stop complaining" I said as gemma laughed "you three will never change" she said and looked at the two girls "these three have known each other since they were like born their parents are best friends. And I just recently came aking like a year ago." She smiled at them. Gemma was beautiful with her red hair and green eyes but all I saw her as was a friend I've never really dated and never have been interested. My job is more important and relationships and feelings just get in the way of that. I didnt stay long so once I finished my salad I excused myself. I still had training to get to.
As I walked to training by then it was already 1300, I thought of the two news girls. They will have a rough start to the school but I hope that they will at least survive the first week. After 3 hours of an intense workout with my private teacher i went back to my room to shower and got dressed in some Jean's not caring to put on a shirt having a single room to myself, I decided get a head start in some school work. I read up on some ancient languages and torture weapons all that I thought was important to know. Before I even knew it was time for dinner. I just put in a shirt and met up with the guys on the roof again. Seeing the girls and the guys already there "hey" I said as I sat down between josh and I think it was autumn.

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