chapter 1

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Autumns POV

“No I don’t remember where you put my application” I yelled back to my mom who was looking for exactly that down stairs. “I didn’t even get to send it by myself” I added and sighed laying back on my bed. I closed my eyes for a second thinking about how the next weeks might be very stressful. Because like in every other story I was about to go to college or university or whatever you would call it. All I know is that it’s a boarding school which is why I’ll have to pack all of my stuff and it’s somehow they had courses related to baking and pastry bla bla. My parents are bakers that’s why and I don’t have anything against learning exactly what they are doing now. My older brother on the other hand really didn’t want to become a baker which is why he left our little city and moved to the closets big city to become a tattoo artist. Yeah don’t ask. At least it’s some kind of art as well.
“Autumn I can’t find it... can you at least try to help look for it” my mom said coming Into my room “it should be in your best interest as well” she added but I scoffed “we sent it to them. As an email and in that letter thing. I don’t think they need it a third time” I told her while she just rolled her eyes. “Found it” my dad yelled from his office and my mom sighed relieved. “You should take it with you not for them but for you. What if they tell you you never applied” my mom explained making up imaginary scenarios again. I just nodded and grabbed it from my dad who had joined us in my room. “We’ll miss you autumn. It’s gonna be weird when neither you nor Aaron are running around the house anymore” my dad said and smiled at me weakly. I smiled and hugged them both for a second. “I’ll call you and visit you” I said “more than Aaron I hope” my mom pouted and I nodded chuckling.
They both left my room for me to continue packing my stuff. I’d leave in two days which made me nervous. It’s not that I’m necessarily of being there a lone at first but I’m a little scared of the whole environment. School again with tests and everything. Plus i can’t even go home and escape that whole aura. I’ll still be on campus since I’ll be living there.
I packed some old photos into my backpack. My brother Aaron and I were smiling into the camera on a trip to paris.
Aaron moved out when he was 18 that was three years ago and now that I’m 18 it’s my turn to leave. I had a great relationship with my brother. We didn’t see each other often but he called me every other day or weekend and whenever we’d eventually hang we had a lot of fun. At my old high school I’d sometimes brag with my cool older brother. At least I found him cool and I knew he’d protect me when needed. Not to flex but good genes seemed to be in the family. I’d objectively state that my brother was fairy good looking as well.
Your opinion about my appearance is yours to form but I was pretty content with myself. The long black hair you could see on the photo had been cut to shoulder length which made me a little more feisty looking. I was kinda tall and probably averagely build but what I really liked were my green brown eyes. The only hobby I kept for years now was gymnastics which made me sufficiently athletic in my eyes.
My phone chimed and tore me from my thoughts. New snap from Alicia one of my friends from my old school. I put my phone down again thinking about how weird it is to see a certain group of people everyday for multiple years and then you just don’t see them anymore. And it’s fine. The only friend I’d hopefully keep on seeing was chloe. She’d been my best friend for some years now even thought we’d also distanced ourselves a little. I shrugged. I’d have to make new friends at the new school anyway.
About two hours later I had finished packing my clothes and sat down on a box exhausted. I heard a knock on the door. “Huh” i said after removing one of my headphone which I had put in when the silence in my room had eventually bothered me. “Dinners ready” my dad announced and I made my way downstairs to our kitchen. We sat down and started eating what my mom had cooked. “I continue to feel like I’m more excited for that new school than you” my mom chuckled between bites and I giggled. “Maybe.. I’m just nervous. I just know it’s gonna be confusing and stressful at first and I’m not really looking forward to those kind of emotions” i explained “maybe you’ll finally find a boyfriend” my mom changed the topic. “Honey..” my dad said and I laughed at how cliche our conversation had just turned. “With my luck I know I will definitely not find one” I said. We continued eating in silence until something crossed my mind. “I’m just confused as to why I didn’t get to choose my classes already. I mean if I’ll be there in two days they can’t just organize the whole schools schedules within half a day right” I asked and my parents shrugged. “The Ambrose schools always had great headlines and recommendations. I’m sure they know what they’re doing” my mom stated refilling her glass of water. “I’m actually excited to see which kind of bakery classes they offer I mean yeah sadly I’ll also have to take normal classes but I think I might like making pastry” I smiled and my parents smiled back at me happy that I’d be able to carry on their business. My parents had a small chain of bakeries which made us a very normal family monetary wise. My brother might even earn more since he’s really good at what he does but so are my parents.
The evening went on and I resumed packing my stuff.
The next day I did exactly the same while also going a little crazy about my upcoming move. I went out to buy some things I had been missing and called my brother for like 5 minutes but other than that nothing extraordinary happened and I went to bed knowing I would hardly get any sleep while now it was my who was making up imaginary scenarios concerning the goddamn boarding school. I mean what if they really didn’t get my application. Or I fall face forward in front of some hot seniors. Or I’ll have a crazy room mate. Or...
I drifted Of to sleep somewhere along the way.
My dad woke me up pretty early since I had to finish up my packing and I had to leave. My parents being the bakers they were they had to be in the bakery not as early as usual but still they couldn’t drive me to my new school. I would go on my adventure all alone.
So I did exactly that. My mom cried a little when I left but my dad just wished my luck and hugged me tightly. I was too excited and nervous to feel anything else but I just trusted myself that I’d be alright.
After the two hour drive I finally arrived in the parking lot of my new school which looked creepier than I had imagined but people were walking around everywhere which made the school look a lot more friendlier.
I had no idea where to go or how to find anything. I locked my car and walked towards the entrance hoping to find some kind of person of authority. I wasn’t that lucky.
“Um sorry can you tell me where the secretary is” I asked some girl who looked me up and down. I raised an eyebrow as her look “that door.. then second corridor first door on the left.” She said coldly then went back to talking to her friends.
“Thanks” I mumbled knowing she wouldn’t have heard me anyways. Love my new bitchy pupils already. I took a deep breath and followed her directions. The lady that welcomed we was very kind for a change and gave me my room keys. She told me where our dorms were and informed me that there’d be a welcoming speech with all of the explanations I was really needing later this afternoon in the auditorium. I thanked her and went to check out my dorm room. It was a two people bed room which I was thankful for. My roommate didn’t seem to be there yet leaving our room untouched and empty. I made my way to my car again realizing since I was alone I’d have to walk at least 10 times to get everything to my room. I groaned looking around if there was anyone I could potentially ask to help me but after my previous encounter with that girl I wasn’t to fond of the idea of asking anyone. When I reached my car for the 6th time two guys approached me. “Need some help” the blonde tall one asked. I looked at them for a second debating I’d they seemed trustworthy to me. I was tired of walking to my car so my debate ended with yes. “Yeah actually that would be nice” I said and smiled lightly. “Sure thing” the other guy said and grabbed a box from my car. “So you’re new huh” blond guy said and I nodded “got any experience yet” the other one asked and I shook my head a little confused as to what he meant. I definitely knew how to bake a bread but anything else was still a mystery to me. “Good luck then it’s not gonna be easy” brown haired guy said and I scoffed as we made our way to my dorm room. “I’m josh btw” the blond guy said putting down the boxes in my room. “I’m autumn” I said and smiled at them. “And Im Louis” the guy with brown hair said. Now that I looked at them they were actually kind of hot. Definitely older than me and pretty muscular. Definitely people I would not expect to find at this school but according to my information there were various Metiers you could chose classes from. So not everyone’s plan here was to become a baker which made sense.
Since the boys had carried more than one box I was able to lock my car for good and unpack now. “Thanks for your help” I uttered and they just nodded “see you around then autumn” josh smiled and winked at me while Louis just waved and both left. Oh god. I closed the door after them thankful that they helped but also thankful that they were gone. I didn’t expect anyone to help me but Me being my hardly trusting self I didn’t know they intentions therefore I didn’t want to have them around for long if you understand.
The next hour I unpacked my stuff and walked around exploring before it was time to look for the auditorium. Since I had wandered around I had gotten a little lost again which resulted in having to ask another person for the location of the auditorium but In the end right on time I found it.
I walked Into the crowded room sitting down somewhere in the last row of chairs. After some time the other new students went silent and a man on stage started talking.

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