chapter 9

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Autumns POV

Right after I had tossed the weights over to jym he tossed them back “not to take off unless sleeping” he said and I couldn’t believe my ears. “You’ve got to be kidding me” I mumbled but he’d already turned and started walking away.
The day went on normally until we got to hand to hand combat. I was partnered up with violet and I was not happy about it. Since everyone was a fan of her now I had multiple pairs of eyes on me every once in a while. It made me angry honestly. And then suddenly I was able to take her down. I didn’t know how I’d done it but I had done it. “Good Job autumn” jym laughed clapping for me. People looked at us weirdly but I didn’t care. I grinned over at jym proud of myself and gave him a thumbs up. We then continued our school schedule. Every other possible minute I shout jym a glare since I was walking like an elephant due to the weights and I still found it stupid to have them on for the whole day now but he just seemed to find my misery funny.
At my extra training with jym we concentrated on core strength and then went for another jog. At the end we did some shooting which had actually become my favorite class even though I was still very much average at it.
Jym then ended the training and Even complemented me. I thanked him a little weirded out and shot him a weird look trying to figure out if this was a strategy or If he meant it. He just laughed at me like he always did.
Me thinking I would be able to take those weights off after that day got home and ready for bed but know I was informed that I had to wear these weights for the rest of the week. Imagine that for a second. A whole week with these weights on your feet. It’s not only exhausting and annoying but you also look stupid at the same time. I groaned and went to bed.
To my surprise the week went by fairly fast. I’d still been whining about the weights everyday but it declined with every day that had passed.
And then finally the day had come. I was walking to our morning jog with violet. Weights on my ankles. And then I heard the words I had longed for all week. “Take them off and go on the jog” jym smiled at me when we arrived. “Are you serious” i said excitedly and he nodded. I had probably looked like a little girl but I didn’t care. I took them off immediately jumping around. “So we’ll see if all of this had any effect” I said pointing at the weights which jym was putting into his bag. “Yeah autumn I’m excited to see your performance today” Louis chuckled and winked at me. “Don’t expect to much” I warned them shrugging.
We then all made our way to the line and waited for the signal.
Once we started running It felt so weird without the weights. I felt like a feather which was really cool by the way. I was able to run faster and felt more motivated. I had definitely improved and could now keep up with violet easily. But I also didn’t want to get ahead of myself and suddenly run like a maniac. I mean I probably would have been able to pass violet at this point but we won’t believe anything that never happened am I right ladies and gentlemen.
I finished my jog and looked around for jym. “This was crazy” I said to him once I stood in front of him. “I’ll have to admit.. maybe your training does get me to improve finally” I said in a tone though that showed I didn’t want to admit it. “In the end the weights of hell might have helped” I stated “even though this whole week long i contemplated if they were supposed to help me improve or If you just wanted to see me suffer.” I added and shrugged. “You seem like you’d like to torture people” I chuckled joking but honestly I did think about if he just wanted to mock me with all of this. Everything’s possible with this guy.
Our group got together again and we went to breakfast together. Violet seemed a little pissed but I didn’t care enough to analyze what she was so pissed about.
After a while josh informed us that there’d be a party somewhere off campus this Friday and he asked if we’d join him and his brother. Louis didnt seems to fond of the idea to go to that party himself but due to josh he didn’t have a chance to back out.
Violet accepted their invitation immediately longing for some normal teenage lifestyle and boys probably. I told them I’d think about it. I wasn’t too big of a party goer. I mean I would go but right now it just seemed too exhausting. Plus violet and I had built up some distance between us since for some reason we seemed to clash every so often these last days. Somehow everything someone did pissed off the other one. But we weren’t fighting. We just wanted to get this weird time over without actually arguing.
“Mhm... maybe I’ll even join.” Gemma said thinking. “Yeah you know what I’m gonna go” she smiled and high-fived violet. I sighed and looked at jym “what about you?” I asked him. “If everyone goes I won’t be the party pooper” I added biting Into my sandwich

Jyms POV

"In the end the weights did help" I just laughed at autumn who was happy to finally be catching up but I saw tiago glare over at me which I just decided to ignore. We all then decided to go to breakfast together where Josh talked about a party and I knew which one it was tiagos and he throws this party every year to see in uses pants he can get into from the new students. Gemma and violet already agreed to go and autumn said she diesbt want to be a party pooper. "What about you" she asked me and I just shrugged "I think I'm gonna stay in and train" I said as I finished my last bacon "no no no no your not getting out of it. If I have to go so will you" louis argued with me and i laughed "alright" I rolled my eyes
We went on with our day and autumn was now better then violet and gemma combined just not in chemistry where Gemma will always hold the lead even better than me. Friday came sooner then I thought and I had no way out of this stupid party. So u got dressed in just some black Jean's and a white button down that wasnt completely buttoned up. I walked out of my room only to run into josh and louis both just in Jean's and a shirt. "Looking nice ambrose" josh said slapping my back I just rolled my eyes. "I call dibs on driving." Gemma called as we reached the lobby. "No I am" josh said taking the keys from Gemma and running to the car louis ran after him yelling that hes got dibs on shot gun. "Hey no. I'm not squishing myself between three girls" I whined just as violet and autumn came down. Violet was in a short purple sequin body tight dress. It didnt look bad on her. With her blonde hair and blue eyes. We had decided to take Gemma's car being a big jeep because non of us had a big enough cause for 6 people and we didnt want to drive two cars. Josh just laughed at me and yelled back sucker. As gemma pouted I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the car. We all got in and violet ended up sitting on my lap. And josh started the car "man I should have sat in the back" he pouted as he headed to tiagos parents place who were currently out of town. As soon as we got close to the house we had to finally a parking stop after like 20 minutes we found one like two streets down but we agreed we could walk. We all piled out of the car and headed to the house we could hear the music probably from miles away and I could already smell the alcohol. As we got closer there were already people passed out on the grass. "Let's get thisnoarty started" josh yelled and I already dreaded coming. Gemma rushed in to get some alcohol and so did the rest leaving only me and autumn. I looked at her and raised a eyebrow "after you" I said and she headed in as I walked in after her. All over the place people were making out and playing truth or dare. This was so not my thing here "we are playing truth or dare you two better join" josh said and gemma glared at us giving us no room to say no.

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