chapter 5

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Autumns POV

After our nap violet and I met up with Louis josh and Gemma again for breakfast. Jym wasn’t there maybe because I pissed him off. Violet was talking to Louis and josh so I took the opportunity to talk to Gemma about that. “Was I too harsh to jym this morning” I asked her and she just chuckled. “I mean he tried to help... “ she said and I groaned feeling a little guilty. “I don’t want him to baby me. He can do that to violet if he wants to but I don’t want to feel like I’m completely dumb and unable to do shit” I argued trying to make myself feel better. “Autumn.. you know each other since yesterday... how was he supposed to know” she said and I sighed. She was right. But in my defense it was early and the jog was exhausting and I was nervous and it was just too much for me. I admitted that this was my wrong doing but I wouldn’t apologize. This wasn’t important enough.
After breakfast Louis and josh reminded us to get or schedules so we did. Violet and my schedule was pretty similar. Our maths and Chemistry class was switched which was sad but we’d be fine.
On our way to our first shooting class v and I talked about how nervous we were once again and she presented me the idea to ask jym for some extra help and training. That was actually a good idea but I just told her to ask him for herself.
As nice as jym seemed to be I had the hunch that he was a person that could really push my button.
When we arrived at the shooting class jym was already shooting at a target which honestly looked very intimidating. Theoretically I was fine which shooting at a target but knowing what a person with a gun was able to cause I really didn’t ever want to shoot at any living creature.
I found Louis and josh and we started talking. I didn’t see Gemma so she probably wasn’t in this class. Louis told me he’d never shot before either and then josh gave us a little rundown of what it was like. He loved it of course. A very empowering feeling. My ass.
Violet excused herself and walked over to jym probably asking about if he was alright giving her extra training. I looked over for a second and he looked really surprised and confused but I think eventually he agreed. Both of them made our way over to us. I didn’t look at jym since I expected him to still be pissed.
Our teacher, Monica then started the class and slip us Into two groups. People who know how to shoot and the rest. She assigned jym to take over the bigger group. He seemed to be kind of a big deal actually. Every teacher knew him and he seemed to get along with anyone. But we’d see about that. I rolled my eyes and sighed. He was probably good at everything too.
Monica then gave us our uniforms which we put on and she then lead us an adjoining room to explain what we were supposed to be doing in this class.
She started out with telling us the rules and safety policies we were to follow. She went over the machinery of the guns we were going to use and ended with demonstrating and explaining the theoretical aspect. She taught us how to hold the gun what to do with our legs and head and everything. Monica also warned us about the rebound we’d be experiencing and the more the talked the more excited i was getting for some reason. I knew I’d be bad at shooting but it sounded cool at least. As long as we were staying in his hall shooting at lifeless targets.
Monica, violet Louis the girl I didn’t know and I then left the room and got our guns and ear muffs as told to.
Monica repeated the most important steps for us once again before demonstrating multiple shots that all hit exactly where they were supposed to.
It was impressive honestly. I looked over to the other group. Their skill was definitely impossible for me to keep up with I just hoped I’d somehow learn all of this as quickly as possible.
The teacher then told up to try to shoot multiple times one after another. My anxiety rose again but I tried to play it down. That one girl whose name was jean apparently went first. She shot and I realized how hard it was to aim. Fortunately the rebound didn’t look too bad. Violet went next. She was as lost as I’d be and seemed a little desperate. I decided I’d just try my best and not think about it any more. No one expected anything for our first time shooting. At least I hoped so.
Louis went next and he seemed to be a natural or something. He didn’t hit straight in the middle or anything but compared to us girls he was pretty good.
I was last and changed places with Louis. I lifted up the gun which wasn’t as heavy as I had thought previously. Trying to copy posture Monica had thought us I brought the gun up and tried to aim. I immediately realized I was missing strength in my arm as well as a steady hand. This wasn’t easy at all.
I shot and the result wasn’t impressive at all. I was maybe slightly better than the other two girls due to a shot that accidentally hit relatively close to where it should have but me triggering the shot I knew that it had been sheer luck.
Monica assessed what we’d been doing wrong and right and gave us some more tips.
Class soon ended and our little group met at the entrance again.

Jyms POV.

I didnt watch the group much after we all just did our own thing. Class was over to soon for me expectations I put the gun away and the ear muffs away too I had forgotten mine in my room I walked out to see our little group there "nice work you three" I said to Louis, autumn and violet. "Next time violet spread your feet a little further part helps with your balance" I told her and she nodded smiling. "I'm off to weapons class" josh said "where you all headed" I looked at them all as they pulled out there schedule "hand to hand combat" violet and autumn said at the same time "me too" I said and louis said he had math now. I looked at the two girls and raised a eye brow this would ge fun "go easy on the jym" louis said "I feel sorry for then already" josh as said they walked off. "Any tips" violet asked me as we walked to the gym "stay alive" I chucked she punched me in the arm which made me only laugh harder as she winced and rubbed her fist "what the fuck are you made of" she asked me "rock?" She wondered out loud. I laughed louder and held onto my stomach after I calmed down I stopped and looked at them "fight as if it were real. You are weaker then then especially if it's a big guy or girl. Even the skinny ones dont underestimate them. You wont hurt them. They've had more practice. And if you are offered a weapon take it. Last but not least fight smart and keep your eyes open" I said mainly to violet but also autumn. I saw autumn roll her eyes but I didnt care.
We got to our class and I saw gemma. "Gemma!" I called out and jogged over to her "jym how was shooting" she asked and I just grinned she knew that that was one of my fighting. I greeted some other class mates I havent seen in a while as the teacher walked in "alright people partner up" he called out getting right to business "gamma baby come here" I said and she chuckled nervously "go easy on my jym I havent done this in three months" she said and I looked at her stupidly "you went home over summer what did you do" I asked and she laughed "surely not train I do that enough here. I laid at the beach and tanned with cocktails in my hand" she grinned as the whistle blow. She came at me right away as I dodged lowly to the left. I chuckled as she groaned frustrated. We went back and forth like this for a while. Until class was over "tomorrow I'll pair your all up myself" mr jo said we all nodded and walked to the changing rooms where we all had our own lockers with extra uniforms in them. The locker code was written on the schedule paper. I quickly showered and then got changed throwing my old pair into the dirty laundry basket that stood there. All our uniforms had our names written on them. I waited for the girls in the hallway around the corner of the girls locker room. I heard the door open and violet asked "whys jym so good at all this. And he knows every one here" I heard Gemma answer "he grew up here. His parents never come to visit hes here all summer and winter break all he does is train. He wants to proof hes worth it to his parents. Ever since his older brother died at a mission his parents havent even looked at him anymore." She said I stiffened up and left "jym" I heard gemma call after me. I didnt stop it was a sensitive topic. When my brother was alive it was like I didnt exist but he was always there for me helped me become as good as I am today. When he died a couple months ago my parents acted as if they lost there only son. They dont see me. I've been trying to proof to then that I'm good enough for this that I can do this. But even that doesnt make then see me. They send me money but that's that. I meant josh and louis at the roof with my tray off food. I wasnt in a good mood anymore and hardly got any of my food down. I didnt even notice when the girls came in nor when they sat down and started talking with the girls. I jumped slightly when I heard the bell ring signaling lunch is over. "Jym you ok"josh asked and I just nodded as the intercom turned on "jym Ambrose and gemma cain please report to mr. Cains office" I stood up and looked at gemma who just shrugged

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