Chapter 11

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"Y/n... you're mother was a great person. I'm sorry for your loss" the words flowed out of my old neighbors mouth. I could hardly process what was going on today. I was back home after a month of staying with my aunt and uncle. I was only here for a short time... to watch my mother be laid to rest.

Ally's arm draped around my shoulder and squeezed me tightly, a motion to let me know that she was there for me if I needed her. I was hunched over in the first row at my moms funeral. I had my head in my hands and was staring at the ground. I never really processed until now that my mom was actually gone.

The funeral was long over but I couldn't find it in me to get out of my chair and walk away. I picked my head up and stared blankly at the casket in front of me. My eyes welling with tears no matter how hard I tired to fight them. My dad always told me that it was okay for a man to cry, and that I should never be ashamed to do so. But yet here I was trying so hard not to. I ripped my eyes away from my mother's casket and looked at Ally. Tears in her eyes too.

"It's okay" She whispered. Slowly rubbing my back.
"It'll all be okay" she repeated. I got up for the first time in two hours and walked slowly to my mom's casket. I glided my fingers along the fake gold trim that lined it. "I love you, mom" I softly spoke to myself. I took one last look at my mother and watched as they slowly closed the top. I took a step back to let the men do what they needed to do, and watched my mother descend into the earth.

Hey y'all!! I'm so sorry I've been gone lol. But since then I've had 1k reads!! Thank you so much!! I'm still trying to decide where I want to go with this book so here's a very short filler chapter. Thank you for being so patient!!🤍🤍

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