Chapter 6

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Fast forward 4:00**

I sat in the locker room lacing up my cleats to get ready for my first practice on the team. I haven't scouted out any of the competition. But seeing as this team doesn't have a winning record I'm sure there won't be.
No one takes new comers welcome at this school. Coach introduced me to the team and after he left they just turned a blind eye. Guess I'm going to have to show them who the real deal is. Fortunate enough for me that had my favorite jersey number, 13, that no one picked up . I threw my school clothes Into my new duffel bag coach gave me, i then threw on my shoulder pads and shorts and made my way out to the field. As I walked out I took my time. Savoring every moment of the tunnel we would walk through every Friday night at home. Visualizing the crowd going crazy and all the crazy plays I would be making.
As I stepped out on to the turf I heard my name being called by the coach. As I held my helmet in my right hand I jogged over to him immediately, waiting for instruction. He gave me a few routes to run with the back up QB as one of the assistant coaches monitored my every move. I caught every pass that was thrown at me. Except for the first three because the kid got his routes mixed up.  After the assistant coach reported all good news about me. Coach called me up to go 1v1 with the best safety on the team.
I called for a slant route and as soon as I heard the QB snap the ball I stutter stepped to the left and took off to my right, cutting across the half vacant field. I watch as the ball was released from my QBs hands spiraling in my direction but a little too high. I used my momentum and leaped off of my left foot Into the air, stretching my right arm up as far as possible. I watched as my fingers wrapped around the ball and I came down right before going out bounds with it.

(Picture this but with one hand not both)

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(Picture this but with one hand not both)

I turned around and saw the whole team in disbelief. The safety they put on me was trailing me by about a yard the entire time. I squatted to the ground to catch my breath while coach was trying to get everyone to calm down after my one handed catch.
I started to gaze around as something, More of someone caught my eye. Lauren.

She was standing with what I assumed to be 2 other girls from the student council

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She was standing with what I assumed to be 2 other girls from the student council. They definitely were not Dinah or Normani. It was passed school hours so she was in a different outfit now. Hanging up signs on the bleachers for this weeks game. I felt her eyes on me as I stood up trying to act like I couldn't feel her green eyes piercing the back of my skull. But I gave in and turned slightly to see her and her 2 friends watching the practice. With a smirk plastered on her face she winked at me turned around and continued to hang up posters. This girl was going to be the death of me.
Coach ended practice early today because of how well the squad did. But I told Ally not to pick me up until 8:00 it was currently 6:45. As I wondered out of the locker room fully dressed in my school clothes I went back out into the field and walked the track.
Little did I know I wasnt the only one out there. Lauren sat on the very top seats of the bleacher. Her skin glowing in the Miami sunset. As I jumped the fence to get to the bleachers she noticed I was there and gave me a large smile and patted the open spot next to her. "Ally definitely did not mention the amount of tattoos you have" she chuckled. "Well they don't exactly know about them yet. I'm not sure how they would react to a 17 year old kid being tatted  almost head to toe" I replied back to her.
"I don't think they would care. Ally's family is loving. And loves everybody just the way they are." Lauren stated. I nodded in acknowledgment.
We both sat there in silence watching the sun go down. It started to get a bit chilly and I could tell Lauren was started to get cold. Seeing as she had no jacket on and was wearing a crop top, I offered her mine. She gladly took it. I noticed her staring at the tattoos on my arm.
"Do you need a ride home" she asked after a couple minutes of silence.
"I told Ally to pick me up at 8 but I was honestly just going to walk home. I hate being a bother" I said back to her.
"Come on. Lets go" she said grabbing my hand and getting up
"Where are we going?" I question the beauty who was tugging me down the stairs of the bleachers.
"I'm giving you a ride home. And don't even bother refusing because I'm a stubborn person" Lauren said.
"Yes ma'am" I said with a small laugh.
I don't think she noticed but she was holding my hand all the way out to the parking lot and to her car.
As soon as she let go I was missing the feeling of her soft hand in mine.
I got into the passenger seat as Lauren started the car
"Are you sure? You don't need to drive me I can walk" I said to her
She put her index finger in my face and told me to shush. The ride to my house was quiet. She was still wearing my jacket and every now and then I would glance over to admire her in it.
As we pulled up to my house Ally was just exiting the front door, coming to pick me up. She furrowed her eyebrows as she watched her best friends car pull Into her drive way. The confused expression grew on her face when she saw me in the passenger seat.
As I stepped out of Lauren's car.
Ally's eyes scanned my arms then looked at Lauren who was wearing my jacket still and then looked back at me. Her mouth was slightly agape while viewing my tatted arms.
After like three minutes of awkward silence and staring Lauren finally broke it.
"He was just going to walk home so I offered up a ride. I hope you don't mind" Lauren said with a sheepish smile.
Ally looked back at her and replied "you didn't have to Lauren but thank you. I really appreciate it" Ally said while giving me a stern look
"I met Lauren today in art. If you're wondering why she brought me home and how i met her " I awkwardly chuckled.
"I'm surprised she didn't scare you" Ally let out and laugh and started walking back inside.
I turned and gave Lauren and smile and a thank you and turned to walk inside. But as I turned around Lauren's soft voice spoke. "Can I give you my number. Just Incase you need another ride" she lied. I knew she wanted it for different reasons but I handed my phone to her and she put her number in and sent herself a text message.
I thanked her for the ride again and walked inside but not before turning around to see if she was gone.

As i walked inside it dawned on me that she still had my jacket and the two adults of the house hold were staring at me with the same expression Ally had just minutes before.
"Oh hunny we just finished dinner" my Aunt said trying to not make it obvious that they noticed my arms.
She fixed up a plate of left overs and I sat down at the table to eat. I was in my own world eating my food when Ally sat down across from me. But this time her mom and dad had already left the room to get ready to settle down for the night.
"You didn't tell me you met Lauren" Ally said to me as I slurped up a spaghetti noodle.
" I was placed next to her in art class. I didn't exactly know who she was but she definitely already knew who I was" I shot a playful glare at Ally who laughed.
"I also met Normani and Dinah. They are something alright" I continued.
"Those girls are quite the character. By the way just a heads up they will be over tomorrow after school." Ally said back to me.
"Okay that's cool. We don't have practice tomorrow which sucks but I'm going to hang out with Camila."
"Camila Cabello?" Ally questioned
"Yes, do you know her?" I asked
"Not really but I do know she tried running for student council President against Lauren." Ally stated
I hummed in acknowledgement as I put my now empty plate in the dishwasher. I said my good nights to Ally and went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for bed.

Sksksksks I suck at details and conversations but I'm TRYING. And that's all that counts. A for effort I guess

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