Chapter 8

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The rest of the day was straight boring since I didn't have football practice to look forward to. After lunch I got Ally by herself and gave her the car keys back explaining that I would be riding with Camila and Shawn.

As we pulled up to my house there was a silver car parked out front behind Ally's. I knew it had to be one of the girls car since Ally told me they had all planned to meet at our house to get "glammed up" for the party.

Shawn, Camila and I hopped out of Shawns car and made our way inside. Upon opening the door the three of us were met with four pairs of eyes on us. The girls were watching a movie on the couch. We walked in and they paused it giving me a chance to introduce them to my new friends.

Ally explained that she made some pizza for all of us to have, so we went into the kitchen to eat real quick and as we walked up the stairs Ally had paused the movie again and asked "Are y'all going to the party tonight?" As I looked back down at my two friends who were still waiting on an answer from me. I turned back to Ally and replied with a yes. Camila behind me with a wide smile on her face trying to control her excitement. "We will meet y'all four at the party though" I told the girls who were sitting on the couch. They nodded in acknowledgment.

We made it up to my room and immediately Shawn started looking through my closet
"What are you doing man?" I questioned him with an amused look in my face.
He turned around holding two t shirts
"We're getting you out on the scene tonight. And I can tell by the way Lauren is looking at you she won't be able to resist if we get you spiced up a bit" he said. Camila let out a giggle from her spot behind me sprawled out on my bed.

An hour later Shawn had yet to put me in a outfit that matched so I decided to plan my outfit myself. After about ten minutes or searching i found one. Shortly after Ally came up saying they were leaving for the party. I threw on the outfit I had planned out(pictured above along with Lauren's), put on my favorite cologne. Grabbed a piece of gum and waited for the other two to get ready and we made our way to the party.

As we pulled up to the house where the party was at I looked at it in amazement. Never in my life had I ever seen a house this big or beautiful.

We parked the car and as we walked up there were people dancing everywhere and the song "time of our lives" was blasting from every direction

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We parked the car and as we walked up there were people dancing everywhere and the song "time of our lives" was blasting from every direction.
We walked in through the open front doors and saw a very diverse crowd.

There was a large group in the kitchen playing beer pong and doing keg stands. While on the other side of the room some of my teammates were getting lap dances from cheerleaders on the couch. Never in my life had I've ever seen a party like this.

As we walked further in the house there were people in the backyard smoking weed and snorting lines of coke.
I looked back at Shawn and said " y'all white motherfuckers go crazy when it comes to this shit" I laughed. He shook his head at my comment and made his way to the kitchen to get a beer for him and Camila. "You don't drink?" She questioned
"Hellll no I can't be doin all that. Im on a mission" I said back to her.
"Come onnn one drink won't hurt" another voice cut in. I turned to my left and saw the girls approaching us.
"Glad you could make it dawg" Dinah said while dapping me up. I gave Ally a hug and all of them dispersed to go get more drinks but Lauren.
"So you're really going to come to a party and not drink anything?" She asked.

I stared at her with a blank expression on my face, still mad about the events that happened earlier today. But I couldn't deny how good she looked in what she was wearing. I was trying so hard not to check her out.
She placed her hand on my arm

"Y/N, I'm sorry about what happened today. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I know you were just trying to help me. But I can hold my own." Lauren explained to me
I couldn't help myself, I caved in.
"It's okay Lauren. It just made me mad when he called you a bitch. I couldn't let him sit there and say that to you. My mouth moved faster than my brain did." I sighed.

Just as I finished my last sentence the rest of the group returned with their drinks.
The Dj changed the song and just as we all got together everyone grabbed someone and ran to the dance floor. Camila grabbed Shawn, Dinah grabbed Normani. The last three standing were me Ally and Lauren.

Ally was too busy conversating with some of her other friends. So It was basically just me and Lauren.
I leaned up against the counter behind me and watched as my friends danced their asses off.
"Would you like to go dance with me" Lauren spoke up.
"Well uh. I'm not much of a dancer" I lied knowing damn well I loved to dance I was just to nervous to do it with her.
"Your loss" she husked from my side and walked i got the crowd of people dancing.
She grabbed a random guy who gladly started dancing with her. His hands roamed her waist, her back was on his front.

"Why don't you go dance with her" Ally's voice cut me out of my staring.
"I don't know. I like to dance. Just, she makes me nervous" I laughed.
"I know you like her Y/N, it's kinda obvious. Go dance with her" Ally nudged my side with her elbow.
The song switched and everyone came back but Lauren. Who was still on the dance floor, this time with a different boy.
"Y/N, why you over here. You should be out there dancing!" Normani said.
Before I had the chance to speak Ally cut in.
"Lauren asked him to dance with her but he said no" she said as she flicked me in the head.

I knew if I didn't go now I would have to listen to them all complain for the rest of the night. So without saying anything I walked away and made my way to Lauren. She saw me making my way to her from a distance.

Maintaining eye contact as I made my way In between her and the mystery boy who I excused and told him I had it.
I grabbed her hand and twirled her around as the song "breath" by Mako blasted into our ears.
We stared at eachother getting lost in our eyes. Her dark green eyes turning a bright green while a small smiled formed on her lips.
She turned around where her back was to my front. Her hand snaked up around my neck. Her other hand going down my thigh.
I put my hands on her waist and let her dance on me while I slowed danced back.

Everything seemed to move so fast. I wanted to be in that moment forever. But the song ended and Lauren dragged me off the dance floor with a large smile on her face.
The faces of our friends merged out from the crowd and I saw them all staring at us while Camila was so excited about it she was about to jump with joy.

When we reached them I excused myself to go find something other then beer in the kitchen. Lauren joined me of my small adventure, holding my hand as we weaved in and out of sweaty drunk body's.
Just as we got to the kitchen another body hit mine.
The smug expression on the kids face turned into a smirk when he saw me holding hands with Lauren.

"Ain't you the new kid from the ghetto" he said as his friends gathered behind him.
"Brad" Lauren said sternly giving me a pointed look.
He looked at me and Lauren's hands again and back up at me.

"Hey so lay it on me... Crips or bloods" he said with a smirk on his face. At this point other people overheard the conversation and turned our direction.
"Excuse me" I stepped up to him and let go of Lauren's hand.
"I've been dying to see a crip walk other than on YouTube" he chuckled looking back at his friends.
I was about to punch him square in the jaw but I was dragged away by Lauren. I thanked god she did that cause she saved me from fucking that "Brad" kid up.

Just a lil fillerrrrrr. Also Lauren dropped her new song 50ft and ITS AMAZING. I love it.

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