You gasped. "Fucking--"

"Yeah, th-that's what I-I-I thought."

"Fuck you, you bastard!" You looked down, then slowly unwrapped your legs from around his waist. "I can fucking get down on my own, asshole."

Foxy grabbed your wrists to pull them from around his neck, making you exclaim. You looked up, to see that it was actually Freddy. He gently lowered you down to the ground.

You sighed out a breath of relief. "Thank you."

"Way-ay to r-ruin my fun, Fre-eddy," Foxy scoffed, folding his arms.

"Piss off," you groaned, dusting yourself off.

"Where have you been, anyway?" Baby wondered, making you look back at her with wide eyes.

"Oh . . . Oh, we just went over to James's place and then my own place, to pack my stuff," you replied as you subtly tossed a pillow and blanket underneath the desk. "It went rather quick since Freddy helped me with most of it."

"Why couldn't he have gone with you yesterday?"

"Are you saying that you would've rather had him leave so you could get some peace?" you laughed, sitting down in the chair.

"Both him and Foxy." Baby nodded.

"Hey!" Foxy grunted.

"I can't blame you," you chuckled, wiping a fake tear from your eye.

"What a-about Ba-llora?"

"What, you're trying to compare Freddy's hyperactive self and your annoying, asshole-ish, incompetent self to Ballora?"

"In-incompe-te-ent, a-annoying? Ex-excuse me! I am-am not--"

"I-I've been hav-ing to put up-up with all of this, and more-ore, for-or 5 years," Ballora grumbled, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I feel sorry for you," you snickered, covering your mouth to hide your grin.

"This is-is all James-ames's fault! Ju-ust let m-me fucking kill-kill him al-ready!" Foxy ranted, raising up.

"H-hey, not-ot without m-me!" Freddy objected, pouting.

"Wha- What do-o you mean 'with-out' you? W-we're stuck-uck together! There is-is no without-out you," Foxy argued.

"Ugh, I-I can't w-wait to be apart from-om you guys," Ballora groaned.

"What m-makes you so-so sure we'll e-ever get apart?" Foxy sneered.

"(Y/N) will h-help us." Ballora looked to you. "Won't you-ou-ou . . . please?"

"I mean . . . I'll try my best," you muttered, scratching the back of your neck. "How would I even do that? Is it possible?"

You looked to the rest, who all shrugged. You put your finger to your chin in thought, looking down.

"Now that I think about it, if everything that happened actually happened, you guys could've just made yourselves invisible, or whatever it is you do that keeps other people from seeing you," you explained.

"Can-an we even s-still--"

"Woah, woah, woah- This means that I'm actually dead. I'm, like . . . a ghost. But wait, if I'm still a ghost, how the fuck did I have a traumatic brain injury from that car wreck?"

"H-hold on."

Foxy punched you in the arm, making you wince and grip it. "Ow! What the fuck was that for?"

Molten Freddy X Reader (A Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now