because we're sisters

Start from the beginning

"Yeah!" said Lucy, putting a piece of meat in her mouth. "You are good at cleaning the house and cooking." 

"Looks like a maid," she answered. "And don't talk while eating."

Lucy just grinned. And their dinner went peacefully, interspersed with Lucy's story today. 

After dinner, the two gathered in the lounge. With Lasya who is absorbed in reading her book and Lucy who is doing her work that she didn't get to finish at the office. 


Lasya and Lucy looked at each other for a few seconds. They didn't expect guests, and she had already paid the rent for the house several days ago. So who is coming at this time of the night? 

Because Lucy looked very busy with her work, Lasya decided to open the door. Behind the door, there was a tall green frog waiting for her. Lasya has a feeling that this won't be good. 

"Evening, Miss Lasya. I apologize for coming this late," said the frog. "I have a message from the council for you. It's about your next mission." 

The frog pulled out several sheets of paper at her. She frowned, if the council gave an envoy to give her mission, then it was not an ordinary mission. "I know you are asking for a break from a mission like this, but the Council really expects you to carry it out," the frog explained. "Alright then, I'll go first. I apologize for disturbing your night."

Lasya just nodded and then closed the door. Then she sat on the sofa, ignoring Lucy's curious gaze for her. The girl gave a little magic to the paper so that the writing began to appear. Then she read it carefully. 

"So what's that?" asked Lucy, her attention already focused on the paper in Lasya's grasp.

"... I'm sure I have to go again," Lasya answered, her eyes glancing at her sister, curious about her reaction. 

"Is it very important?" asked Lucy, who was answered by a nod from her. "In that case, It's fine." 

"Are you sure?"

Lucy nodded firmly. "Hm-m, I can live alone, Nee-san doesn't need to worry." Lasya watched her little sister who was standing then headed to her room. She followed, seeing Lucy take a bag with an endless charm on it. "How long is the mission?" 

"I don't know," Lasya sat on the bed. "It looks like it will take months."

"That means we need lots of clothes," she heard Lucy muttering about that. Then take out some clothes from the cupboard. "Where is your mission take place?" 

"Pergrande Kingdom," Lasya answered. She watched how Lucy's back was slightly tense. Yeah, because the Pergrande Kingdom is located very far from Fiore.

"All right, let me pack for you," Lucy turned to her and smiled. But Lasya knows that the smile is fake. Her sister is trying not to look sad that she will go on a far and long mission. 

"I don't want you to be exhausted before the mission." Lasya didn't try to argue. She would only do what Lucy said. Maybe, then she will be better.

She uses her time to observe Lucy. She saw how she put in some clothes, toiletries, and some books if Lasya got bored while traveling. The girl also put 2 bottles of water, a few small snacks, and a sleeping bag. It looks a lot, but all of them go into the endless bag, and not heavy of course. 

"Thank you," she said when she saw that she had finished packing.

It was late, and Lasya wanted to go to sleep before she felt Lucy stopped her. "What is it?" 

"Can I ... Can I sleep with you?" Lucy asked carefully and quietly as if she was afraid Lasya would reject it. 

Lasya blinked several times. "Alright." 

At least Lucy will feel good right?

They slept on Lasya's mattress, which was big enough for two people to sleep on. They haven't slept yet, just getting ready to sleep. "Nee-san, do you think Fairy Tail will come back?" asked Lucy, staring up at the ceiling while raising the blanket up to her neck.

Lasya —who was leaning on the headboard— looked down at her. "If Natsu returns." 

"Natsu?" asked Lucy, smiling a little. "Why Natsu?" 

"You should know why right?" Lasya asked. "Wait six more months and I'm sure if there are you and Natsu, Fairy Tail will return."


It's morning and Lasya knew that Lucy behaved like she was fine in front of her again, even though she know that she's not. They had breakfast, and Lasya was ready to leave. "Are you really going to be all right?" Lasya asked again. 

"Of course. Don't worry, Nee-san," Lucy said. "I will learn to live independently."

Lasya nodded. "Don't forget to eat. Eat fruits and vegetables too, it's good for your health. Do grocery shopping every month. Don't throw your clothes everywhere, put them in your clothes basket and do your laundry. And don't forget, to clean the apartment often."

"Okay, okay!" Lucy smiled. "I can do it all. I've also improved. When you go home, I'll show you how strong I am." 

"Alright," Lasya picked up a white Lily flower from the vase. Then she crystallized the flower. "I know we can't send letters later. But at least you will know if I'm still alive." 

"What do you mean?"

Lasya gives her the crystal flower. "If the crystal breaks, that means I'm gone." 

Lucy froze. She didn't want to imagine that the crystal was broken or Lasya no longer existed in this world. She doesn't have anyone anymore. And Fairy Tail? She didn't even know if they would meet again.

Her thought broke when she felt Lasya ruffling her hair. "Don't worry. I won't die that easily. At least I will try not to die." 

Lucy didn't answer, she immediately flung her body to hug her sister. "Please, be careful."


Lasya walked alone on the streets of Pergrande Kingdom that night. It's already midnight, so it's only natural if the streets are quiet. Only a few night guards were passing by. The girl intends to find more information about her mission at night. Because they usually move at night.

The night felt cold unlike usual. Could it be winter here? She doesn't know, but she feels cold tonight. Looks like it's time to go back to the inn.


Like feeling something, Lasya turned around ...



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