~Chapter Seven~

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"Why can't I remember? It feels like a huge time of my life is just... missing..." Lucy spoke, gently placing a clump of white rice in her mouth while she dozed off into the sky.

"And why do you suddenly feel this way?" Asked the shorter bluenette with an unreadable expression.

"How am I supposed to know, Lev!? Stop asking me all these questions!"

"Lu, I only asked you one question. Besides, you're the one who brought it up." The blonde sighed in defeat and leaned back onto the grass.

"Lucy-San, please eat more of the veggies! You're not going to grow from you're short state if you don't." Whined Lisanna who sat across from her.

"I don't want to!! Besides, at least I'm not as short as Levy..."

"Hey, Lu! Shut up before I tell everyone about that time in freshman year when you-"

"Be quiet, Levy! You promised never to bring that up again!"

"Oooh! I want to know! Tell us, Levy-san!" Pleaded the younger girl next to Lucy. Touka clapped her hands together and smiled brightly. Levy took her in an embrace tightly and smooshed their cheeks together. They both dozed off in bliss and comfort.

"You're so sweet, Touka. I really hope you don't turn out like your annoying, ugly, stupid, weird, unnatural and idiotic brother. Try shooting for Zeref. He's educated, handsome, kind, generous and tall. What more could a girl want!?" Spoke Levy.

"Hey, that's my brother's brother your talking about." Touka replies sarcastically.

"Yeah sure, we all know tall guys with long hair are more your type, Lev." Teased Lucy, earning a scowl.

"Actually, Natsu isn't any of those things! He's super handsome, he's number one in the school, super layed back and isn't even a player!!" Lisanna squealed in excitement. Lucy agreed with her in her mind and rolled her eyes on the outside.

"You guys are doing it wrong." Lucy shook her head and closed her eyes. "My wonderful Laxus is much more beautiful than all of your crushes!"

"Slow down, Lu. He's dating Mira. Besides he's moved out and gone by now." Said Levy.

"You know what I mean!!"


Can I shake your hand!!?

Can I speak to you in private please?

Hey, look at me, don't you remember me?

The four girls looked over to the commotion and saw the expected. Natsu Dragneel making a beeline for the school gym with Mardgeer on his tail, who was busy shooing away fan girls. Behind him stood Gajeel, constantly glaring at literally anyone he was able to lay his eyes on, including Natsu's back. Then stood Jellal and Erza holding hands, walking in a shy manner. And lastly, beside them was Gray and Juvia, smooching eachothers faces off as they walked.

Lucy blushed at the sight of Natsu. With his hands in his pockets and walking, his torso slightly leaned back.

"Whaaaa~ Just look at him! He's so unbothered by all of those skanks!" Lisanna swooned.

"Hey relax, Lisanna. They're just as infatuated as you." Said Levy.

"No! My love is deeper and stronger!!"

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I once saw him pick my pencil up for me." She paused, crossing her arms and pouting. "...oh how handsome he looked when his hair hung from his forehead~!" Lisanna breathed in and out and turned away to her bento box behind her to eat. Lucy continued watching the man as he looked around, his eyes landing on hers and staying there. Lucy blushed and stared back, intimidated by his pride-crushing gaze. Levy swapped her eyes between the two until they both looked away. Lucy looked back one more time and dozed off. Levy pushed her shoulder lightly and raised an eyebrow.

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