~Chapter Two~

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"Hey beautiful." A man's voice sounded from behind her. Lucy turned around, meeting the man's eyes. They were covered by green glasses that were far from formal.

PFFT. This kid is like 12. Who the hell wears glasses to a fancy restaurant? Sunglasses, at that. NO. Stop Lucy. Maybe he needs them....

Lucy bowed and took a seat, watching as the man walked over to his own seat. He had spiky orange hair and big cheeks. He was about her height and was very skinny. Or so she thought from his skinny wrists poking out from the sleeve of his dark blue tuxedo.
"Hello!" Lucy attempted to sound cheerful, regretting it when the man reached across the table and shroked her hair.

"Hey c'mon now! Loke is getting sad... talk to him with that sweet, gentle voice of yours." The man named Loke responded with a childish impression.

If you speak in 3rd person ever again, I will make sure you don't have vocal cords to talk from.

Loke crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. Lucky for Lucy, she knew about manners and elegance. Loke fixed his glasses and smirked at Lucy, sending an unpleasant shiver down her spine.

"So how was your day? Was it as gorgeous as you?"

"Haha! R-right! It was nice. How was yours?" Lucy smiled awkwardly and adjusted herself in her chair uncomfortably.

"No, no, no! I want to hear about your day." Loke said with a wide smile.

Well I don't want to tell you about my fucking day. It was probably worse than yours, anyways.

"Well it was certainly interesting! I-I had a dream where I went to a cafe and met a really beautiful girl with pink hair! She was sweet and... umm... She loved coffee! Yeah she was totally obsessed with it." Lucy rolled her eyes at the end of her story to make it seem believable. She watched as Loke stroked his chin and stared at her, seemingly mesmerized. Lucy blushed under his gaze and continued. "A-and... I- umm I went to a large field with golden grass with my brother who looks nothing like me whatsoever. We get along so bad that it's almost like I met him today..." Lucy looked off to the side. Glancing up for a moment, she noticed Loke had the same expression and was still staring at her the same as before. Out of curiosity, she looked behind her and saw a group of girls with ridiculously revealing clothes and tramp stamps.

I'm starting to doubt the fact that this is a "fancy restaurant". And this dude is making it way too obvious that he's not looking at me.

Lucy looked forward again and pushed the curls on her shoulder behind her back, fixing her posture and taking a sip of her water. A man appeared with a pen and notepad.

"Can I take your orders?" He asked, switching his gaze between the two. Lucy noticed Loke wasn't paying attention and adjusted herself again.

"Ahem!!" Lucy let out a cough. Loke sat up straight and leaned on the table. "I would like a steak, medium well done and a salad, please." Lucy handed the waiter her menu.

"I want the butter noodles." Loke told the waiter, handing him his menu. The waited nodded and left.

What are you a fucking child? What kind of adult orders buttered noodles at a restaurant?

The food arrived about 10 minutes later and Lucy didn't have an appetite. She stood up and told Loke she wanted to visit the bathroom. She stood up with her purse and left.
She passed the bathroom and found the door. Lucy exited and felt the cool night air on her skin. She sighed and sat at one of the empty out doors tables. She looked around and noticed a figure sitting only a few tables away. He had off pink hair and piercing, predatorial green eyes, a sharp jawline, small adams apple and large arms. The man turned to her, standing up and running his fingers through his spiky pink hair. He then began taking steps toward Lucy, never averting his gaze. He arrived in front of her and sat down across from her.

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