
“You've got to be kidding me,” I whisper to myself as I log on to the server Pierson gave me.

“So, let's pick teams!” Pierson says cheerfully. “I'll be with Ainsley, and Cam can be with Codfish.”

“You have got to be kidding me,” I repeat.

“Cam, stop saying that,” Pierson scolds me lightly.

He did this on purpose, didn't he? He planned this!

“Oh, cool. What game is this?” Joe asks as he logs onto the server.

“I told you, it's a secret!” Pierson laughs as his character jumps around pointlessly on the computer screen.

“I know what it is!”Ainsley, Pierson's little sister, announces.

Pierson scowls and nudges her. “Shut up and log on, Ainsley, we're all waiting for you.”

“Okay, okay, I'm coming.”

“Everyone's here, Pierson, now tell us what the game is!” Joe says excitedly. I groan mentally.

“This is a Valentines' Day game!”

“... But it's Christmas-”

“Shut up.”


“Anyways. The goal of this game is to put together the cheesiest first date,” Pierson explains.

“What!?” Joe shouts, his eyes widening in shock.

“This is ridiculous, I don't wanna do this!” I agree, ignoring the slightest pain in my chest at how much this idea of us dating seemed to appall my crush.

Pierson shoots me a 'be nice' look and then glances to Joe, who actually does look pretty hurt.


“C'mon, you're just friends, right? Just have fun with this, it's nothing serious,” Pierson the Devil's Spawn says.

“Oh, I-I don't mind that part,” Joe says with a slight blush- omigosh. “I just- that's incest, you know. You can' date your sister.”

Pierson's cheeks turn bright red, and he refuses to look at anything other than his computer screen. “It's not- n-no. I told you, this isn't for real.”

“I don't know, she seems like your type,” I comment, feigning honesty. Ainsley makes a face.

Pierson stands up and walks out of the room without a word.

“Oops. My bad,” I giggle.

“Aw,” Joe coos, staring at me.

My eyes widen. Did I do something stupid? “W-What?”

His eyes are almost as wide as mine now. “What? O-Oh, nothing.”


Ainsley snorts.

“Right, so I'm just gonna leave you guys alone for a bit,” she says, winking. I wince. “Why don't you two plan your cheesy date while I look for my brother?”

“Y-Yeah, o-okay,” Joe stutters, nodding nervously. Ainsley winks at us again in a creepy way and then leaves the room.

“So... this is awkward..,” I trail off.

“It wasn't awkward 'till you made it awkward.”





“Uh... So, what should we do for our cheesy, um...” I blush. “Date?”

“I dunno. Wait, are we planning on together, or are we each making one for the other person?” Joe asks.

“Uh, I think we're making one together...”

“Oh, okay. We should just make a stay-at-home move date in the Minecraft living room.” He smiles. “I'll buy- or mine, whatever – some fluffy pillows, and then we'll get popcorn and soda and cuddle beneath a soft blanket with the lights off.”

“H-How did you-?”

“A year or two ago, you explained your dream date to me,” he says, shrugging.

“And you remembered?”

“Of course I did!”

I try to hide my ginormous smile as we continue planning our cheesy 'date.'


[Skype Chat Two (2)]

December 19, 8:57

PedroAlexander27: You won't believe what just happened.

Hghrules: What? Did my plan work?

PedroAlexander27: My sister and I just walked in on them cuddling on the couch.

Hghrules: Operation Camfish is a success. :3


Please stay tuned, children, for the special edition kissing/cuddling/fluff scene!

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