MunchingUniverse (Important)

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Right. Hi, there. Apologies and excuses are at the end.

I'm writing a book based on that Feel AU from the kktato (have i told the readers of this book yet? *shrugs* Idk, I thought you'd like to know), and holy snap, it's really fun, and I'm kind of starting to obsess over it to the point that I make crappy animes of the characters using crappy internet dress up games and crap like that and yeah.


Go to my deviantart to see the crappy animes (and also a Skylox valentine's day card I made that rather inconveniently has my name on it [cue facepalm]). It's hghrules, in case you couldn't guess.


Title: Important

Pairing: MunchingUniverse (Tyler and Jason)

Genre: fluff, I guess. A tad bit of angst?

Warnings: None. Oh, wait, there's an angry choir director. Yeah, that's all.

Word Count: 1,238. Holy snap, a legitimately sized oneshot! :O

OTHER RANDOM STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW: First bit is third person, second bit is Jason's POV. Kay, now read.

His eyes went wide.

And before anyone could even ask him what was wrong, he was pushing people off the risers on his way to the edge of the stage. While the choir director yelled about disrupting the rest of the choir with stupidity and uncalled for recklessness, he hopped off the stage and darted down the aisle. "It's important!" he cried frantically as he shoved open the auditorium doors.

The last words he heard were, "Fine. Don't ever come to another rehearsal again!"

He cringed, but didn't falter.*


"Tyler?" I ask quietly. There's no reply from the seemingly empty room. "Tyler, it's me, Jason. I- I felt you panicking... Tyler, please answer if you're here."

After another moment of silence, I frown and step back into the hallway, ready to check every other room in the entire house. As soon as I leave that room, though, a faint whimper reaches my ears. "J-Jason... Wait, don't go."

With a sad smile, I reenter the room. "It's okay, Tyler. Now that I'm here, I won't leave."

A quiet sniffle comes from the bed, and I curse myself for not noticing the lump under the sheets sooner.

"Hey, Ty, it's alright. You're okay. Why are you crying?" I ask, sitting on the edge of the bed. Tyler immediately pokes his head out of the covers, holding out his hands as a sign for me to come closer. I crawl to the back of the bed and pull the boy into my arms, bulky covers and all, and he instantly relaxes. "What happened?"

"I- I- Well, the h-hunters came by, a-and-"

"What?" I ask sharply, my eyes widening in alarm. "The hunters were here? Did they hurt you? Did they threaten you? Are you okay?"

Tyler squirms a bit as my grip on him tightens. "N-No, I'm fine. I- I hid in the closet, in your old astronaut suit. They didn't see me, and when they finally left, I moved to your bed. B-But-"

"Notch," I whisper, "I'm so sorry, Tyler, I- I should have been here! I'm supposed to protect you!"

"Jason, it's okay, I-I'm fine, see? I just-"

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