Bropillow (Okay pt 2)

563 22 34

You guys asked for it. Kind of. Not really. Shut up and take this. XD

This oneshot is a continuation of "Okay" from all those months back - it was previously a Skytato that ended very badly for poor Tyler. But there was one thing that Tyler found solace in...


Title: Okay (Part Two)

Pairing: BroPillow (MunchingBrotato (not universe) x Pillow)

Jokingly Suggested By: MrPeanutWaffles, CasDoesDean (love the username), liekdatgurl300, neon_nyan_cat1, and EmotionalNeko on Wattpad

Song: um I was listening to "Drop Pop Candy," the, uh, the Sans and Papyrus Parody. And then I listened to a Game Grumps episode in the background. XD

Genre: i have literally no idea

Warnings: I may need sleep

Word Count: 1,167

Tyler's POV

It won't stop hurting. I hate it. I want it to stop. I'm so tired of missing him - I shouldn't miss him! He broke me, he shouldn't deserve to be missed!

I choke back a sob as I hug my pillow closer to my chest. So why do I miss him so much?

I take in a shuddering breath, sniffling quietly and silently wondering what I could have done differently. Could I have said or done something to change his mind on that sparkling, horrible night when he told me? "Adam, I love you. Adam, I need you. Adam, you're everything to me. Adam, you're the only one for me."

"I was with you up 'till that last one," says a deep voice, and I squeak and tumble off my bed. "Oh, oh, geez, man, calm down a bit. You okay? That looked rough."

"Oh, Notch, who's there?" I ask in embarrassment, pushing my pillow up against the head of the bed and moving towards the door.

"Woah, Tyler! Just a minute ago you were hugging the feathers out of me, and now you're just pushing me away like it's nothing?"

"Hugging the- pushing a- what." I spin around as everything clicks, and my eyes land on my poor, tear-soaked pillow. "Um."

"Haha, that's what I said the first time you picked me up. But it's cool, it's cool."

"Oh my Notch, who's pranking me? Where's the camera, what's playing the sound? Is there a walkie-talkie thing in the pillow sleeve?" I ask while frantically feeling all over my pillow.

"Hey, buddy, slow down, you're just now paying attention to me after years of neglect. I'm not willing to move this fast," the 'pillow' says, and I fall off my bed again.

"Wow, no, okay, seriously, what's going on?" I ask, using my fall as an opportunity to check around underneath the bed. "Come on, what's up?"

"The Sky, but I suppose you don't want to talk about him."

I wince. "Now you're just being cruel, Mister PrankMaster."

"That isn't my name, never has been, never will be. The name's Pillow."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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