Chapter 27

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Mina and I looked at the male person. It was Jimin who was red from anger. While I looked at him happily, Mina looked at him in surprise. I don't have to tell him everything, he heard everything with his own ears.

He came up to us with quick steps. "I ... I," stammered Mina and looked at her feet, then pointed her finger at me, "you have misunderstood. She pulled me into the alley and forced me to tell the truth. But I was afraid that she would kill me, so I told her these lies."

Surprised by her lies, my chin almost fell on the floor. Even though Jimin has heard everything, she is still trying to keep up her lies and even blame everything on me. How bold can you be?

"Do you really think I would continue to believe you even though I heard everything with my own ears?" He almost shouted at her. He tries to keep his voice calm, he didn't want other people's attention to us. "My girlfriend was right all along. How could I ever doubt her words and believe you?" he blamed himself.

"I-I," she tried to speak, but Jimin cut her off. "Dare never stand in front of my eyes again, let alone say that it is my child. If you weren't pregnant, I would have put you in jail immediately," he hissed angrily and his eyes glowed dangerously. I could see the different feelings in his eyes. There would be grief, anger and disappointment. I could already imagine how happy he was to be a father. How sad he is that the baby is not from him. Angry because he had been misled for months and weeks and didn't believe me when I said that that child isn't his child. Disappointment because he has a traitor in his company all the time who wants all his money for himself.

Mina looked at me angrily and wanted to run at me, but Jimin stood protectively in front of me. Now Jimin looked at her with such a cold look that it even gave me a cold shiver. He spoke to her in a calm tone: "Mina, all the time, I never loved you. All that was important to me was just sex ". "You ... you're lying," she just shouted at him, ran to him and drummed her fists on his chest.

Jimin gripped her wrists. "When you used to caress me lovingly after sex, was it only supposed to be a lie?" She sobbed and fell on her knees. She buried her face in her hands. Jimin let go of her wrists and turned to me. "We're going," he replies, and we disappeared from the alley. We left a crying Mina behind.

When we got to the office, Jimin sat exhausted on the chair. I went over to him and knelt before him. "Jimin," I sighed sadly. I felt with him. Jimin didn't look at me.

Suddenly I could see his shoulders twitch. I bent my body so that I could see his face. "Jimin," I just said, getting up and putting my arms around him. Jimin is crying. I've never seen him cry before.

"II was so happy to be a father. I wanted to hug the baby in my arms when it was born," he sobbed sadly and buried his face in my hair. "Jimin," I sighed sadly and I hugged myself tighter. I comfortedly stroked his back and weighed him left and right. "One day you will be a father. You will be the father of our baby," I told him, trying somehow to take away some of his grief. He looked up with reddened eyes and looked deep into my eyes.

I gently brushed the tears from his cheeks. "You will be the father of OUR children," I repeated again. He buried his face again in my hair. "Please stop crying," I asked him and could not prevent tears from forming in my eyes.

After a few hours, Jimin calmed down with my help. Holding me in his arms, I was sitting on his lap. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" he asked me, although he already knows the answer. I just nodded.

I got up with a smile and went to my seat. "Jagiya? Can you bring Elias to my office? I just have to make a phone call," he asked me. I got up and nodded and made my way to my former job. What is he up to do and talking to him on the phone?

So I made my way to the elevator. I straightened my clothes. My back was slightly pitted because of the rough wall in the alley and therefore my shirt was slightly torn. I pressed the 12th button. The elevator door closed and I leaned against the cool wall of the elevator. Now everything Jimin knows, I thought with relief.

The elevator on the 12th floor opened with a DING. First I went into Mr. Lee's office, who was sitting behind the PC. I knocked on the open door. Mr. Lee looked up and raised his eyebrows questioningly. "Mr. Park asked me to bring Seo Elias to his office," I told him. Mr. Lee got up from his chair and said he would go with me. I just nodded.

Together we made our way to Elias' workplace. "Mr. Seo Elias? Please come here," Mr. Lee called through the office. Elias immediately got up and came to us. Elias looked at us in confusion. Apparently Mina hasn't said anything to him yet, otherwise he would hardly be in the company anymore. "You have to follow me into Mr. Park's office," I said simply without emotion and made my way to the elevator.

"What does Mr. Park want to tell me (Y/N)?" Elias wanted to know from me. "I don't know," I lied. Asshole, I just thought. I was relaxed from the outside, but I was nervous inside. The rest of the ride in the elevator was silent until the elevator opened. I led him to Jimin.

Before we went into the office, I knocked and waited for his approval. If I were alone I would not have knocked and would have just walked into the office. But since I'm an assistant, I knocked. "Yes," came it the other side of the door.

I opened the door and was surprised to see police officers standing in the office. We went in surprised. "Mr. Seo, would you come here?" asked Jimin kindly. Elias immediately went to him. "You are fired. Please pack your things and get out of my company," Jimin said only. Elias looked at him, startled. "May I ask why I am being fired?" Elias asked him. "I can answer that for you," intervened a policeman. "You are arrested," said the policeman, who now came to him and held a warrant in front of his nose.

Elias wanted to run away, but I held out a leg and he followed on the snout. The police pulled his hands behind his back and handcuffed his wrists and led him away.

After they disappeared, I went to Jimin. "You called the police? What did you say to them that they arrested him?" I asked him.

"I have good friends at the police station, so I sent them a picture and the friend told me that he had already been reported for fraud and extortion, but he was in hiding," he told me. "Unfortunately, I couldn't report him to fraud because I have no evidence and I can't send mina to jail, even though she cheated on me from back to front. After all, she didn't lied about her pregnancy and the child then has no parents ".

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