52 : Away from each other

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Y/N sighed.

"Oppa you sound tired. You should just sleep"

"Hmm.. later"

Y/N could not supressed it any longer. It's not once or twice he's like this. It's been almost a month. He sounds bored yet he doesn't want to end the call. He always call yet he only gave a hummed in response. He always told her to share her story yet he sound like he didn't listen to it sincerely.

Everytime she asked her how's his day, he didn't reply much. At first she thought there's some problems, she even asked the other boys about it but they just shrug as they also didn't know. Yoongi's a private guy after all. He spend most of his time in the hotel room even in his free time.

He shouldn't have called her if he's busy with his work.

Y/N took a deep breath as she closed her eyes, trying to prevent herself from bursting in emotion, but she failed.

"Oppa, did you even need me anymore?" Y/N said with a stern voice.

The line goes silence for a few second before the boy answered. "What are you talking about, Y/N?"

Y/N could heard a sighed from the other line.

"You become cold now. You didn't tell me sweet things again, you didn't say good night to me anymore. Everytime I share my story, you sound bored and uninterested. Everytime I ask your day, you replied it with a short replied. I always have to search for a topic that could excite you, hoping I would hear your excited tone again. Hoping I would hear your laugh again"


"Is there something wrong? Please tell me if there's something in your mind oppa. You can't keep it to yourself. I'm here to listened to it"

Y/N could heard the other line goes silence for a while.

"I don't know what's wrong, okay? I'm just....really tired"

"If you're tired, you should've told me. I feel like you don't need me anymore. It's been a month since you act like this. I tried to hold it back but I.. I just can't"

"Look Y/N, I-"

"I think we need a break" Y/N cut the boy.

"What?" Yoongi sound confused.

"I think we need a break from each other" Y/N tried her best to surpress her tears that could overflow anytime soon.

"What are you talking about Y/N?"

"Let's stay away from each other for awhile. Good night, Min Yoongi"


Two weeks. It's been around two weeks since their last call. Yoongi tried to call her again after that but she never pick up. She didn't replied to his messages. He tried to talk to the boys to call her but she never pick up. She would replied to the rest of the boys message but she wouldn't answered their call. She even ignore the questions regarding Yoongi.

Yoongi sitting on his hotel bed. He throw his body as he put his hand on his face. He then start to pull up his phone and he go to the galery. His galery is full of their picture, mostly her. He start to look at it one by one. Then he found a video of them together. He played it and he realized how he miss her so much. He miss hearing her voice. He miss her laugh. He miss her.

He know that he's being an asshole to her. To be honest he doesn't know why he acted that way to the girl. Maybe a mix of homesick, stress from the concert and his work is combining all at once. Not to mention his tiredness. Maybe he vent it out to the girl.

At that week he do have a lot of things in his mind but he decided that it's not that important for him to be sharing it to the girl. But his mind can't lie. He keep thinking about that thoughts, making himm acted that way to the girl. He should've told her about it.

All he know that he just wanted to hear her voice. She's always there for him, always listen to all of his problems and stories. She always listen to it and gave him all of her attention. He guess he didn't realize that the girl also need an attention.

He sighed. He miss her so much. How could he reach her?


At the other side of the world, Y/N did the same as she gaze their picture together on her phone. A tears start to fall down as she bring her phone close to her. He miss the boy so much.

Maybe she's childish but she know that this is the best for them. She forgot how the boy is a really private person, not to mention an introvert. Of course he would feel uncomfortable with her who always try to communicate with him. She didn't deserved the boy at all.

She admit that she feel mixed feelings when she receive all the message and phone call from Yoongi. He didn't say much. He just told her to pick up her phone and that they need to talk. She do think that maybe she's too much? Maybe she could just call him and solve the problem? But Y/N know that they need to calm their own emotion first before start to solve it.

But it's been two weeks, she should just give in, no?

Yes, that is until Yoongi doesn't send her a message and call her anymore. She become pale at the thought of him giving up on her.

Maybe it is her fault. She ignore the boy for a whole two weeks.

That's it.

She messed up.

A sound of her phone ringing disturbed her thoughts. She began to pick her phone up.



"Spill it"

Y/N gulped as she took a deep breath. The figure in front of her staring at her as they're waiting for her to speak.

"I'm sure you know already what happen" Y/N let out a loud sigh.

"I know but that's not what I wanted to know"

Y/N furrowed her brows.

"I wanted to know your feelings about this whole situation. What do you feel about it?"

Y/N bit her lips as she hang her head down. She took a minute before she began to answer.

"I-I don't know. I don't know how relationship works"

"I mean, I tried to understand Yoongi's oppa situation. Of course I have to. He's not like other person, he's an idol. I have to understand all of his busy schedule. It is hard of course. He's not there all the time but even though he's busy, he always make time for me and I appreciate it"

"He always share me his problems and his story, which I always listened. And.. because I don't want to stress him out, I think I... never really share my problems. I don't want him to worried. I only share my happiness with him and I think it's starting to took a tool on me. I.. I also need attention, I guess?"

"A-and he stop tried to contact me. I guess it is my fault indeed. I-I'm too childish for him. I guess he realized how he doesn't need me anymore and how he give up on us"

Dawon look at the girl who looks guilty.

"Y/N, I know that you feel guilty but it's not entirely your fault, okay? You're a normal person and you needed attention. And please stop think negative. I'm sure Yoongi just tried to give you the space you wanted"

"I-I'm not sure about that"

"Did you miss him?" Dawon asked the girl.

"So much"

"I miss him that it's hurt. It's hurt so bad eonni. But, I don't know.."

Dawon look at the girl before an idea popped out in her head.

"Do you want to go to Hongkong?"

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