Chapter 5 Part 1

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This chapter is supposed to explain some things, but also confuse you... *Evil laughs* enjoy!


 Natsu POV

I'm walking around a park in Magnolia. It's a perfect morning and it seems as if nothing can go wrong. I don't truly know where I am going, but I'll just go where my feet lead me.

All of a sudden I feel... disturbed. I turn and look around. I see a girl sitting next to the river with her feet in the water.

I don't know why, but I want to see her drown...

Wait, what?! What am I thinking? I should just leave.

I start to walk the other way. Suddenly, I see a flash of white and I feel nauseous.

When the light fades away I am directly behind the girl and she doesn't seem to notice. My hands slowly rise and reach for her neck. As I grab her from behind and she screams and I feel pleasure.

The girl turns and lifts her hand, splashing water in my face. I remove my hands from her neck and wipe my eyes.

"Fuck." I snarl.

The girl has started to run away, but I catch up to her with no problem. I tackle her and pin her hands down to her sides.

"Any last words before I kill you?" I ask sweetly.

"N-Natsu what are you doing? Let me go!" She screams.

"Don't struggle." I hiss in her ear. "If you do I will make it slow and painful."

I hear her whimper a little bit and I put my hands back on her neck. I push my thumbs into her throat, hard. I see her eyes bulging and they turn red from irritation.

A black light glows from my fingers and her body goes limp. Shes dead. Already? Damn...

I hear footsteps and I sense someone else in the area. Someone saw. I will have to get rid of them too.

I start to run, but I suddenly feel a pain in my heart. I fall to the ground, I feel tears pour down my face, and I clench my shirt in my hands.

"WHY?!" I yell. "WHY?!?!"

I don't know whats happening. I feel sad, but happy at the same time.

I just killed someone. What the hell. Oh god. Oh god....! I hear a voice cry out through my head.

They don't seem happy about the murder. I guess I should just clean up this mess and leave.


"AHHHH!" I sit up too quickly and make my hammock flip, sending me flying.

I breathe heavily and think about the nightmare I just had. That girl. She looked a lot like...

"Juvia!" I yell.

No, no no no no. I didn't. I couldn't. Did I? Did I kill Juvia? Everyone at the guild thinks so... maybe they are right.

No. I would have remembered, and I would never EVER even think about killing someone. In the dream I was totally and utterly evil. I feel sick.

I just need to wake up some more and I will feel better.

I walk into the bathroom and strip. Then I turn on the shower, get in, and let the warm water wash away my pain and thoughts.

Wait. Pain? I look down and my arms and see that all of my cuts and bruises are fully healed. In fact, all of the gauze that had covered my wounds were gone.

My cuts and bruises are gone, but I still feel a terrible pain. I look and my shoulder and notice that the once black dragon tattoo is now glowing red.

"Shit!" I howl as the pain gets worse.

I hurry and turn off the water and put on some clothing. Then I walk over to the mirror to get a better look.

"What the fuck?!?!" I yell when I see myself in the mirror.

My salmon colored hair is now a ashy black and my used to be onyx eyes have turned to a bright red.

I touch my hair and examine my eyes some more.

"What happened to me?" I ask myself.

Maybe it is a prank or something. Yeah, a prank.

"Haha very funny guys." I say looking around. "Gray? Happy? Whoever did this you can come out now."

After nobody shows themselves I sigh in defeat. They got me good this time...

"I am here." I hear a deep voice say.

I tense up and look around.

"W-Who? Where?" I ask nervously.

"On your arm" The voice replies

I look at my arm and the the dragon tattoo, looking at me, and talking.



"..W-W-W-What the-"

"Calm down young one." The dragon tells me.

"I-I- What are you?"

"I am your demon."

"M-My what?!"

"Your demon. I hold some of your evil magic so you don't get overwhelmed." The dragon says coolly.

"A demon?"

"Yes. I will help you with your new magic, but if you refuse to train you will die, and destroy the world in the process..."

*** 1 year later ***

I have been training with Drago, my demon in my dragon tattoo, for a year now. I have mastered most of my evil magic and I have discovered how dangerous I am.

I have blood bending magic.

I can not only make someone explode if I want to just by looking at them, but I can use their blood to form weapons to fight with.

I have also found out that it was me who killed Juvia, but it was the demon inside me, not the real me.

I am not who I used to be.

I am evil...

I am a monster, but I am needed to save the world....


Lucy POV

I have decided what I must do.

I have trained for over a year and I am finally ready.

I will join the demon slayers in this battle.

I will kill Natsu Dragneel....


 Haaahhaaaa. Sorry it's kind of confusing, but I will tie some things up in other chapters. It will all make sense and you will be at ease!! ^.^ Hope you enjoyed!

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