Chapter 37

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Aiko sigh and close her book, she grumble in her breath. Today the team have a practice match with Ouginishi High School, who conatct them the other day, requesting to have a match for they saw the game they had with Seijo.

She's suppose to be there at the gym, looking out for the team, but here she is, stuck at the library, doing advance school work she's going to miss when she stays at tokyo.

Being smart is both a curse and a blessing.

She twirl the pen in her hand while gazing at the sky. After their first week of training camp, she'll stay at her sister's apartment in tokyo, who just finished her studies and an apprentice hairdresser at a salon.

After her surgery, she'll go into physical therapy, to practice walking. She'll be staying at the hospital for a long time.

Aiko wonder what the future will have store in them. Spring High is the last match her upper classmans will get to play, the team need to improve more, they need to be stronger. She only hope the upcoming camp will help everyone evolve.

She look at her papers again and resume answering.

'Advance tests sure is a hassle, but it's nothing myself can't handle......'

"What? You met Ushijima and even went to his school?"

Aiko was atleast to say suprise. Her brother just came home after a study session at Yachi's house. Only to learn that her brother and Hinata have encountered, the Ushijima Wakatoshi, and jog with him all the way to his school.

"Yeah. Even saw their gym...."

"Hm~ how was it?"

"They play practice matches with college students"

"Heh, as expected from a prestigious school. Then what?"

Kageyama look down at his food, recollecting the events earlier.

"He said, the school has no need for a setter who doesn't devote himself to him, the ace"

Aiko raise a brow at his words.

"He also said that Oikawa-san should have come to Shiratorizawa instead"

"Heh, good luck with that. The guy hates his guts"

Aiko shove a spoonfull of rice in her mouth.

"You guys said that you'll beat him, right?"


Aiko smirk, making her brother startled.

"Shiratorizawa is in a different league than us, and not to mention we need to beat Seijo first......"

"Yeah, so?"

Kageyama shiver, he feel something bad about to happen.

"......I create a new training menu that will sure make the team stronger hehehehe........"

Aiko laugh creepily while rubbing her hands together. He could see the dangerous glint in his sister's eyes.

"You damn spartan......"

He mutter under his breath. He could only hope they could survive whatever training she have in store for them.

Aiko, Yachi, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi stare at the papers infront of them. The tests has been given out today, at lunch the four check out Kageyama and Hinata's results.

Yachi started to cry her eyes scanning every word at the paper.

"They were correct too! They are correct!!!"

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