Chapter 6

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Finally the match has began, Aiko was sitting next to Takeda-sensei and Shimizu on the bench. Both teams are doing their stretches, she glance around the gym and saw no sign of the crappy alien senpai of hers. Aiko made eye contact at Iwaizumi and gave him a nod as a greeting with him doing the same. To her Iwaizumi is a respectable guy, he cares for his team and is very reliable, she also made contact with Kunimi who was with Kindaichi. Aiko lift her hand and gave him a little wave, back at middle school to her Kunimi is a great guy despite that he also hated her brother he's a chill and cool headed guy and they kinda get along. He also return the small gesture.

Kindaichi saw his friend action and turn to look at the direction he was waving. His face heat up at the sight of the female Kageyama and turn his head back. Kunimi who saw how his friend act give him a blank look "Geez, you still haven't move on yet?"

"S-shut up!"

"You need to get over it soon, she already turn you down several times during middle school"

"Shut it! And don't bring up the past!"
Kunimi just shrug then walk up to the team, with Kindaichi in tow.

Aiko raise a brow when she saw Kindaichi shouting a Kunimi with flustered face but gave no mind to it. What she didn't know that a certain blond saw the small interaction between his manager and the players of the opposite team, Tsukishima have a small frown on his face as he saw that one of the player of Seijo blush when he turned around and saw Aiko looking at them. Tsukishima click his tongue, at the sting sensation he felt in his chest. Yamaguchi who heard the click look at his friend "Is something wrong Tsukki?"

"It's nothing" and he then walk inside of the court as the game is about the begin.

"O-ok then" worried about his friend Yamaguchi is left at the sides.


The first set was absolutely dreadful. Hinata keeps messing up, tripping on his own feet, recieving the ball that's not even meant for him, also knocking the referee down. I sigh as the momment of chaos has yet to be undone. It's Hinata's turn to serve, he held the ball with his shaking hands as he stand at the serving line, the referee whistle, in his state of shock Hinata's toss the ball and hit it. But instead of flying it across the court it went straight at my brother's head, silence filled the court but soon filled by dying laughter.
"Nice serve, Hinata!" Tanaka said while clutching his stomach.

"Now that's what you called a head shot!" Tsukishima added as he was also holding his aching stomach from laughing.

I let out a snort but quickly cover it with a cough. It is indeed amusing, it's not everyday you see my brother getting hit by a ball straight at the head, you got to have guts to do it and also if you also want a death wish. My brother gave Hinata a little talk making the poor boy turn into a statue "HURRY UP AND GET TO MOVING THE WAY YOU NORMALLY DO, GODDAMMIT!!"

Looks like Hinata got spared, well that's good. Tanaka then let out a inspirational speech that got Hinata's spirit up. The second set began and Hinata improve, they try the quick but the toss was long so he didn't hit it my brother apologize which suprise Kindaichi and Kunimi for they never saw my brother spologize, the second attempt of the quick was succesful it shock the opposing team, I smirk at their faces.

The game goes on with the duo's quick and Hinata recieving the ball with his face Seijo takes a time out. I stood up and gave them their water bottle while Shimizu-senpai gave the towels, I handed the bottle to Hinata "Great job Hinata, you improve but please stop recieving the ball with your face"

"I-I'm sorry I'll keep that in mind!" He recieve the bottle with a flustered face.

I then gave my brother his bottle "Is your head alright?" He slightly touch his head "I think there's a small bump" running back to the benches I take out an ice pack then run back to my brother "Crouch down a little" he did so and I lightly touch his head to feel the bump, once I felt it I place the ice pack on the bump. He straighten up but good thing I'm just up to his ears, so I can still hold the pack while they talk about their next strategy.

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