Flashback pt.7

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Months passed since Aiko arrive in Hyogo, and to say that she enjoy her time here is very veracious. Since the incident between her and Yumiko on her first day at Yako High, the twins fangirls stop messing with her, not only they are scared at her but the twins gave them a serious warning glares whenever they come to close with Aiko.

Through out the months Aiko was well associate with the boys volleyball team. They enjoy her managing them, sometimes even participating with them in a practice match. The coach is even marvel with Aiko when she suggest some strategies the team can use in their games.

She did notice the changes of Atsumu through out the days. His teamwork with the others are going down hill, after playing a match or even if it's just practice, the boy won't missed a chance to point out the spikers mistakes.

"I gave ya a nice and decent tosses, why can't ya hit it properly?"

This cause him to be descriminate by his teammates. Osamu and her tried to reason out with Atsumu but being the stubborn dumbass he is, jus wouldn't listen. So they just let him be, as long as he enjoys himself, that's good enough for the two.

But it did worry Aiko on how it will change his views of the other players in the future, may they be weak or strong, talented or not. Atsumu's thirst for victory will became his downfall someday.

Inter High prefecturals are now over and the team won first place, thanks to Aiko's suggestions, that their coach gave it a shot that led them to victory.

Aiko learned that Middle Schoolers don't get to have national competitions like the High Schoolers. When she talk about it to her brother, he was dissapointed, he then talk about the senpai in his school. Oikawa Tooru. An amazing setter that can pull everyones potential to the fullest. Aiko can see that her brother admire this senpai of his greatly.

"I keep asking him to teach me how to do a jump serve, but he keeps rejecting me, sis!"

"Why do you want him to teach you so badly?"

"His serves are awesome sis!"

She already saw Oikawa once when her brother video call her during their practice break. He was just checking on up on her, when a certain brown haired captain pop his face besides her brother, making Aiko almost drop her phone. As to say she was not very fond of her brother's upper classman's attitude, she arleady know of what kind of guy he is base on how he treat her brother. But she much like Tobio's other senpai, Iwaizumi Hajime, aside from the potty mouth of his, she can feel the authority coming out of him on the way how he handle Oikawa.

"How's Granpa doing, Tobio?"

Aiko had been inform by her father that, their Grandfather have been in the hospital recently and she almost want to pack her bags and go back to miyagi, if isn't for her father who stop her.

"He's doing good. He said once he got out, he'll play volleyball with me again!"

"I'm glad then"

She miss her brother dearly and want to be with him soon. Now it's december, couple months left before she'll leave Hyogo and go back to Miyagi. She'll have to leave the twins, Aiko was heartbroken at the thought of that. They became so close at the short period of time, they have protected her and guide her in her times here in Hyogo. They even treat her like their own sister, and she also treat them like her own older brothers.

She once confessed to Atsumu two weeks after they won the inter high prefecturals.

"Tsumu I like you!"

Atsumu was shock to say atleast, he never thought that she would feel like that towards him, he doesn't want to hurt her, she became precious to him and his brother, he only saw her like a sister.

"I'm sorry Aiko-chan......I-I can't return yer feelings"

He expect her to cry or scream at him, but he was shock at the gentle smile that's attach to her lips.

"I know. I just want to get it out of my chest. I'm sorry"

"W-why are ya apologizing? Ya didn't do anything wrong!"

"I was afraid that this may tarnish our current relationship"

"No Aiko-chan, yer always going to be my little sister, a'right? Nothing gonna change that, Sumu feel the same way!"

"Haha I guess I like being sister zone much better!"

"There we go, just smile! Smile for Onii-chan, Aiko-chan!"

"Ew that's grows, no"

"Awwe c'mon just call me Tsumu Nii-chan, just once!"

"No. We better get back, practice starting soon"

"Oh right, let's go!"

After that Osamu question them on where they have been, and Aiko told him all of it.

'There's no reason for hiding secrets from each other' she thought.

"Aiko, call me Nii-chan"

"Yes, Samu Nii-chan"

"Oi not fair! Why would ya call 'im that and not me!?"

"Tsumu Nii-chan.......kinda gross don't you think, Samu Nii?"

"Hell yeah it is"

Aiko scrunch her nose before giving Atsumu a mischievous look. All day Aiko and Osamu tease Atsumu, forgetting all of the worries on the events that happened earlier.

Days pass and Aiko's and Tobio's birthday are closing in, they plan on returning to Miyagi but postpone the idea, due to a storm in the said prefecture, as her mother had inform them. So when the day of 22nd came, her father bought her a cake and video call her mother from miyagi, on the other side of the screen they can see Aiko's Mom, Tobio, and the twins older sister Miwa who return temporarily from college.

"Miwa Nee-san!"

"Hello~ Aiko! Happy Birthday!"

"Arigato Miwa Nee-san! Did you get a new hair style? I like it a lot!"

"Thank you Aiko-chan!"

"Tobio Happy Birthday!"

"Happy Birthday too sis!"

The Kageyama family celebrate the twins birthday, even though they are miles away, that doesn't stop them from spending with each other.

All of them are full of smiles and laughter until night creep on, dismissing this memorable day for Aiko.


Another fan art by yours truly.

It's jus Aiko feeling homesick or depress, dunno

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It's jus Aiko feeling homesick or depress, dunno. That's what I feel when being quarantine for a month, missing all of my friends.

I'm dissapointed cause I can't rotate it. But oh well.

Hope you enjoy!

Stay safe!

Luv you all!

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