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Other than apologizing I think I just gonna rant other thing too......

Hey guys I'm so so so so so sorry that I haven't been active for like 2 years now? Things been rough for me and I've been really as in really busy of my studies because I'm being left behind and the other reason is probably I'm just lazy (I mean who can defy laziness)......and emotionally broken. I mean I broke someone's heart since the the last year summer and when the school began I was scared to face them, but luckily for me they didn't show up a week. But then the day they finally came to school I just ignore them as in the whole year I didn't answer their calls, chats, texts,. No. I just plain ignore them. I'm cruel I know, but I don't care. And then me being an almost college student need to find a school that offers a scholarship that I can take. But to but COV-19 just have to ruin that, now even our graduation is cancel and the day of the exam of one of the school I'm taking is cancelling it. Bacause apperantly all school are on lock down can't even go out of my house (not that I mind) so yeah because of the lock down, I finally have the courage to open this story and update it once again...... So yeah hooray!!

Note: Regarding of the story, after the end of season 3. I read the manga onwards, and I have been waiting for the next update. So starting now I'm gonna base it more in the manga than in the anime.

And this is no longer a TsukishimaxOC, I have a change in mind. I know crazy, I'm awful, already know it. I change in because I have something in mind. But don't worry you'll still get some Tsukki and Aiko momments. I'm just gonna put Aiko in my shoes, and gonna base her love life to mine MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Oh and be safe okay? If you ever gonna come out of your houses wear a mask. Don't make contact on strangers, wear gloves or a jacket if ever going to crowd places. Take care!😘

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