Chapter 17 - the Clever Distraction

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Chapter 17 – the Clever Distraction

Wednesday, November 13, 2080
6:27 PM USA CT
Detention Facility at an Unknown Location
Galnac Station, Mars

After explaining the plan, Alex went to the warden's office and knocked the door. The guard answered the door and gave an angry glare. He grabbed Alex and shoved him inside the room. The other guards then drew their guns and pointed at Alex.

"What the hell are you doing here? How did you dare?" said the warden.

"Relax!" replied Alex. "I just thought I'd share a joke with y'all! You'd love to hear it!"

"Really?" the warden spoke in amazement. "Very well, then. Tell me!"

Alex then began: (After spending a week in Dubai, two men book a flight back to the States. One guy sees the other us bored.

"Hey, buddy? Wanna play a game to pass the time?" says the first guy.

"Sure! What's the catch?" says the second guy.

"I'm gonna ask a question. If you can't answer me, you have to pay me $5. Then you get to ask me a question. If I can't answer you, I have to pay $500!"

"Let's do it!" agrees the other guy.

"What's the distance between Earth and Neptune?"

The other guy doesn't know. He thinks about it and in anger pulls out $5.

"I give up!" He says.

Then the man snatches his money.

"Your turn!" says the first guy.

Getting mad at losing his money in a way, he decides to take him on for all he's worth!

"Okay, what goes up a hill on four legs, but comes back down on three?" He says and goes to sleep.

The dude then pulls out his smartphone, scours the Internet for answers but can't find it. He calls his buddies back in Dubai, they don't have a clue neither. So he wakes him up and pulls out $500.

"I give up!" The dude says.

The other guy takes the money, pockets it, and goes back to sleep. However, he can't seem to let it go. He wakes him up again!

"I need to know! What goes up a hill on four legs, but comes back down on three?"

To which the other guy smiles, pulls out $5 more, gives it to him and goes back to sleep!)

The warden then suddenly began to laugh hearing the joke, as well as the armed men. Suddenly, they heard a huge explosion, and looked towards the entrance to the office. Alex then realizing his cue, ran to the emergency exit and burst through the door. The guards then saw the prisoners escaping!

"Get 'em!" shouted the warden.

Meanwhile, Jocelyn and Katy escaped the facility along with Elise and Rebecca. Jocelyn then made her way to the Interplanetary Comm Facility to send a transmission, to the American DoD. Alex on the other hand, escaped the facility, however, was yet to inform Jocelyn.

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