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Wednesday, November 13, 2080
7:12 PM
Galnac Station
Korolev Crater, Mars

Fear filled Jocelyn's eyes. She didn't know what to do. She held her daughter, Katy's hand and stood hidden. The two were hidden under a bench, at a small park, inside the domed Martian city. Above them were flying drones scouring the area for them. Katy, being only four kept quiet, also in fear, didn't utter a word.

"I got to save Alex; they won't spare him!" she whispered to herself, scared.

She stayed still under the bench, as the drones continued to scour the area. Outside the dome, the drones, along with comms, satellites, and signal jammers covered the red Martian sky. Katy kept quiet and was scared. They couldn't even reach out to any virtual assistant in fear of detection.

"Katy, mommy's here." Jocelyn said whispering. "Don't be scared. Mommy's here."

She stayed hidden and slowly reached for her cell phone. She looked at it, and C.O.R.A, the default virtual assistant, was giving suggestions to her in text.

C.O.R.A: Don't be afraid. ❤️😍 Z.E.R.O and I will guide you.

Jocelyn: Thanks! ❤️😍😧😰😨 Appreciate it!

C.O.R.A: Listen to us, you'll be safe! ❤️😰😨

Jocelyn: 10-4! 😧😰😨

As per C.O.R.A and Z.E.R.O's instructions, Jocelyn made her way through the park, traversing past security cautiously with fear. She knew she'd be safe, but was still scared. In the back of her mind, she didn't want to leave Alex behind.

"I'll come back, Alex!" said Jocelyn. "I promise!"

She kept moving forward not to look back. She knew she needed to keep moving, for herself and the sake of the child. Would come back for Alex, as soon as she was ready.

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