Chapter 3 - Meeting the family.

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Chapter 3 – Meeting the family.

Wednesday, June 7, 2080
8:57 PM
Rodriguez Hacienda, Galnac Station
Korolev Crater, Mars

Alex did inform Jocelyn of Jake and Lamar's arrival, also that they'd visit the place. So, she ordered C.O.R.A and Z.E.R.O to activate the housecleaning robots, vacuum cleaners and tidy up the place. In a way, she was surprised as it was unexpected, but she wanted her husband to be comfortable with his friends. She lulled Katy to sleep and put her in bed. As Alex arrived home, Jake and Lamar also arrived, having come in a warp taxi.

"Alright guys, this is mi casa." Alex said. "Just try not to make so much noise, Katy's sleeping."

"Welcome to Rodriguez Hacienda boys!" exclaimed Jocelyn, welcoming them at the door. "Come on in, don't mind the cat."

"Cat? I'm allergic!" said Jake.

"It ain't real, dude." Alex assured Jake.

Jake then saw the cat; it was a robot. Apparently, Jocelyn didn't want to take on responsibilities of having live pets. Jake was relieved.

"Can I get you gentlemen anything?" said Jocelyn.

"Nah, I'm good!" said Lamar. "I'm already high on my eighth espresso."

"Yeah, me and Lamar just went to Starbucks Coffee, before meeting Alex." Jake added.

So, after that, the men began to enjoy themselves. Jake and Lamar really enjoyed the company. It was amazing indeed. Jocelyn then began to ask questions.

"So, y'all will be okay here on Mars?" said Jocelyn. "I ask because, you were doing well down on Earth, in Houston."

"Unfortunately, Earth is not what it used to be." Lamar explained. "More pollution in the atmosphere, and if anything, we wanted to stay off the same rock as Jeremiah Polanski."

"Uh? Doesn't ring a bell." Alex said.

"CEO of Norwex Web, huge Internet service provider." Jake went on to explain. "Richest man in Houston, and corporate dick."

"What about him?" asked Jocelyn.

"Came to our knowledge that the company had been spying on us, with IoT devices worldwide, and if we wanted to stop that, we needed to pay an extra $20 per month, for privacy." Lamar said.

"Apparently, me, Lamar, our wives and family, we decided to leave." Jake elaborated. "They're coming to Mars next week."

"Wow isn't that invasive?" said Alex. "Clearly a violation to the Ninth Amendment of the US Constitution, and not to mention illegal."

"Who knows? They might bring it to Mars in next couple of months." Jake declared in anger.

"Well, when that happens, I'll be ready to protest! For myself, my family, my friends and the future!" said Jake.

"I'm with you!" added Jocelyn. "But for now, let's just enjoy ourselves, and not worry about it."

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