Chapter 10 - Sparks in the Night.

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Chapter 10 – Sparks in the Night.

Monday, June 12, 2080
10:32 PM USA CT
Rodriguez Hacienda
Galnac Station, Mars

Ross eventually turned in for the night. Back at the Rodriguez hacienda, Alex and Jocelyn already were in bed, ready to sleep. Jocelyn wasn't feeling pleasant since she felt bad having her sister visit at a time, when things back on Earth already weren't in a good spot.

"Baby, I just hope Rebecca and Elise, won't be uncomfortable during their stay here." She spoke to Alex.

Alex turned to her and rubbed her back. "You'll be fine, love. So, will they. Trust me!" assured Alex. "However, I must say, I like how Katy enjoys Elise."

"I do too!" smiled Jocelyn. "But Elise seems perturbed."

"Wasn't I also at that age?" said Alex. "You've known me since then too."

"You're right, she's still a teen. This'll happen often more with her." Jocelyn replied. "Just hope she doesn't miss Earth."

"From what I heard, not much. Guess she needed the vacation."

"More than ever. Goodnight!"

Back in the guest room, Elise couldn't sleep. Although she wasn't feeling anxiety, but deep inside, she was hoping for something. At her age, she was showing interest in Ross. She was writing something using a stylus. The words read:

Spiritual Planet – a poem by Elise Samantha Gallagher

I Know of No Spiritual Planet but My Own,
Yet this Rock is No Different from Home!
The Man Known as Ross is My Savior and Hero,
With a Heart and a Soul Both Divided by Zero!
Every Human is a Legend in Their Own Way,
Every Man and Woman Deserving a Say!
Now that I lost everything on Earth Worth Living for,
I May have Another Chance to Regain that Score!
But for One He is Sweet and Unique,
A Soul Who Makes My Heart Beat!
You May Say it was an Awkward First Meeting,
Love However has Sparking Up to the Ceiling?
Even Then I See that Love as White as Snow,
Even Then that Love Goes with the Flow!
Love Never was an Easy Feat,
However Even Then Has Its Own Seat!


It was a poem that sparked in her head, having felt love for Ross. Although, he may not also for her, but she kept a positive mood. She looked at the poem, then smiled.

"It's so beautiful and blissful!" she exclaimed. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"I agree, 10-4!" said C.O.R.A, who was amazed. "I must say, as my algorithms have evolved, so I also can write poetry in a way."

"I'd like to hear yours." Elise was intrigued.

"One day, I will. Let's save it for some other time." C.O.R.A stated.

"For sure, but you owe a poem when the time comes!" insisted Elise.

"For sure, I do!" C.O.R.A agreed.

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