Chapter 14 - the Detention Facility

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Chapter 14 – the Detention Facility

Tuesday, October 8, 2080
4:18 PM USA CT
Detention Facility at an Unknown Location
Galnac Station, Mars

Four months later...

Alex's eyes opened for the first time in four months. He was confused as to what happened, in the same room as him, many others were also with him. The same ones from the protest, in the same hibernation chamber! Alex was confused, then suddenly realized where he was, when he saw the current date and time on a digital screen, in the same chamber.

"Jocelyn?" said Alex, in panic. "Jocelyn?!!!"

"Right here!" said Jocelyn, as Alex spun around and saw her holding Katy, along with Rebecca and Elise in the same corner. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! We've been here four months?" said Alex. "They put us in hibernation!"

"Until we stand trial, yes!" said Rebecca. "Elise was supposed to start school in August."

"That's not an issue, Mom! I can make up for it online, and it'll be fast. But we must get out of here!" said Elise. "Aunt Jocelyn, you good?"

"Apparently, something is up. The police and FBI wouldn't have anything to do with this." Alex said. "Neither would the interplanetary authorities."

"Clearly, this would've had to been Polanski, and somehow we're in trouble due to this." Rebecca declared in anger and fear.

"Even if he is the richest man in the world, still he wouldn't be able to just hire a huge army of demilitarized mercenaries to imprison people on Earth, as well as the Moon and Mars!" stated Jocelyn. "Surely, there is some even greater power to all this."

"Exactly, what I'd agree on!" said Elise. "So now what?"

"We need to work to get out of here!" said Jocelyn.

"Amen!" agreed Alex, as Katy cooed in fear.

"Honey, we'll be fine!" said Jocelyn.

It was then when the mercenary soldiers came into the den. Each holding a gun, along with heavily equipped armor and attire.

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you've been rendered in hibernation for the last four months, having violated federal Internet laws on Earth, Mars and the Moon." A female soldier voice said.

"As soon as we are ready, in the next few days, y'all will be on trial for non-compliance to these laws." The male soldier said.

"Who the hell are you, to do this to us?" said one of the caged prisoners.

"We're all from Norwex Web, and you must comply, or face lifetime imprisonment! Don't worry, you'll be able to carry on your daily lives, but at the cost of permanent unemployment!" said the soldier.

Everyone was scared. Alex then turned to his family and signaled them. To assure them, they would get out of this mess. His family obliged to it. Then he signaled Jocelyn to stay with Katy. He knew they'd bust out, but it'd take time.

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