Chapter 11 - Planning to Protest

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Chapter 11 – Planning to Protest

Wednesday, June 14, 2080
7:41 AM USA CT
Rodriguez Hacienda
Galnac Station, Mars

Of course, it had been an amazing time for Rebecca and Elise, but now came the time to plan the protest against the Internet billing markups. It seemed even the military was willing to help. Not just the American armed forces, but global armed forces. Alex and Jocelyn started creating holographic signs to deploy and hang via drones.

Rebecca and Elise also helped them, and it turns out Ross along with Jake and Lamar, clued in on what was happening. Ross then called his parents who lived in Miami, FL, back on Earth. The more help they could get, the better. However, they were not alone.

Turns out, Z.E.R.O, C.O.R.A, S.A.L.M.A and many various Super AI software, were training most of humanity on Earth, to protest against these rising Internet costs. Apparently, they didn't want mankind to suffer from the threat of having to pay that much for Internet usage monthly, despite universal basic income laws of the time period.

"Even if we get a vast number of the world population on this, no way we can stop this being just us." Alex told everyone in the household. "We're still outnumbered due to the power these large corporate entities hold."

"However, it's important to note that Alex has been researching possible angles and recruiting people of different specializations on the Earth, Moon and Mars, along with space stations orbiting the two planets regardless of where they reside!" added Jocelyn. "Because unfortunately, we may end up having to resort to performing tasks that go out of legal boundaries and regulations, however essential to perform his mission."

"One of the biggest factors we must rely on are computer hacktivist groups!" Alex added. "As any shred of technology and electronic equipment that's been out there since the 2030s, contains a computer operating system and Internet connection."

"That kinda explains why the IT and electronics industry phased out IPv4 as a functional protocol about forty years ago." Elise spoke up.

"True, but how do you know this?" said Alex, looking at her in curiosity.

"Eh, something I learned in junior high in one of my classes online." Elise explained. "Because everything is apparently technology driven nowadays."

"And where technology has caused us great harm in the global economy, such as job automation, waking us lazy somewhat, and even taking away our privacy;" said Rebecca. "it has done us great good, by giving everyone in the world a universal basic income equivalent to $31,000 per year, strengthening cryptocurrency, reducing work hours down to between twenty to twenty-five hours per week, and not having to take out the trash anymore."

"Well, it turns out we may have a hacker in Galnac Station too!" said S.A.L.M.A. "Anyone know Ross Bennet?"

"Shit! Of course!" said Elise. "What about him?"

"While he may be a systems analyst for Perkins Software and AI – Martian Life and Colonization Affairs on Mars. He secretly does expose international and interplanetary criminals, to international and interplanetary authorities. By hacking their hidden criminal records and sending them to the police forces, of those coherent jurisdictions, respectively."

Everyone was stunned. Alex didn't know what to do. Elise was shocked. Alex would recruit him, but he was fearful of the fact, Ross may lose his job and be put under arrest. However, being the mature person, he was, he knew he could be reasonable and strike a deal with Ross.

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