Chapter 9 - Chilling with the Guys

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Chapter 9 – Chilling with the Guys

Monday, June 12, 2080
9:54 PM USA CT
Ross' apartment
Galnac Station, Mars

So, of course later that night, Ross invited his friends to his apartment. They got themselves Pizza Hut™ and decided to have a movie night on Netflix™. Of course, like many, Ross had his secrets. His two friends Jay and Terry, along with him were also gray hat computer hackers. Of course, they don't do illegal hacking, but in a way help international police forces nab potential criminals. They had been doing so not only as an additional source of income, but to keep the galaxy safe. The last thing the solar system needed especially in 2080, was hacked computer networks.

"This movie was an amazing one, when it first came back in the 1980s!" exclaimed Jay. "Tom Cruise was a fine man back then."

"Old is gold, brotha!" said Terry. "So, Ross? Who is this girl, Elise? What's she like?"

"I don't know, all I know she came on vacation to Mars. Guess she has family here." Ross responded. "I heard her uncle, is technically my boss."

Jay spat out while drinking Bud Light™.

"Are you kidding?" He was amazed.

"Not at all!" said Ross.

"So, let me get this straight." Terry said. "You didn't bother asking her contact information?"

"What are you mad? I don't even know this girl, besides she's still a minor. Only sixteen. Why would she even think of dating me? I may be a system analyst at my current job, but I'm not sure, she'll like the idea of me as a hacker." Ross didn't feel good. "I mean, once that truth is exposed, I'd lose my chance, so I'll not bother talking to her again."

"Never say never, man! I see you like this girl a lot!" said Terry. "She may be for you knows?"

"Eh, it's best that she doesn't know. She doesn't need to." Ross stated with confidence. "She's already been through enough on the first day, she's lucky I saved her life. If she drowned, I'd never forgive myself! Those waves in the pool were so strong, not even a robot could go in there to save her."

"Wow, you're a hero!" said Jay laughing.

"Shut up!" said Ross, jokingly. "I doubt I'll run into her again, but even if I do, I'll keep out of sight!"

"Sure thing!" said Terry.

"Whatever you say, man!"

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