Chapter 12 - Abduction

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Chapter 12 – Abduction

Wednesday, June 14, 2080
3:11 PM USA CT
Ross' apartment
Galnac Station, Mars

Later on in the afternoon, Ross came back from volunteering at the gym which he did after working for the day. Came to see however his place wasn't the same. The holographic TV was turned on, the remote was on the couch when he had put everything in place and made sure the TV was off. He was suspicious.

"This is odd." He said to himself, as he went to turn off the TV.

All of a sudden, a masked figure popped up behind him, as he struggled to escape. The figure covered his mouth and pinched his neck with a slight sharp object. Ross felt dizzy, as everything began to fade black. He fell to the ground knocked out.

6:48 PM USA CT
Rodriguez Hacienda

Ross woke up on the couch sitting comfortably. The masked figure stood in front of him, as his vision focused, and he was slowly and gradually regaining consciousness. The figure then moved its arm and pulled the mask off. It was Jocelyn. Ross was confused and couldn't comprehend as to what was going on.

"What the hell?" said Ross. "What on earth am I doing here?"

"Fear not!" said Alex, who was standing to his left. "Ross Bennet, I know who you are."

Ross turned to see Alex and was shocked.

"So, from what I understand, you're the systems analyst for the same company I work for. By night, you are a gray hat computer hacker and cyber-vigilante, known as 'Apollo'! Interesting life!" explained Alex. "I must say, I'm glad we met."

Ross was confused. "You're not mad at me for that?"

"Absolutely not, nor will I have you terminated, nor arrested." Alex said with a smile. "But your cause and my cause are the same. So, what do you say? Wanna stop them corporate assholes?"

"That's what I'm here for!" said Ross. "Wait a second, I think I met your niece!"

"You have!" said Elise, who was behind him. "Want me to get you something? Water? Soda?"

"Water would be okay, but why this abduction?" Ross was definitely flabbergasted.

"We had to keep our mission a secret, so we avoided electronic communication." Jocelyn elaborated.

"That's why she came up with this idea." Rebecca explained. "I wasn't in favor of it. But Alex agreed that there was no other way. We couldn't contact you, or they'd know something was up."

"I won't lie to you, Ross. I'm disappointed." Elise said. "You also are a cyber-vigilante?"

"Yeah, I am." Ross sighed in guilt.

"Don't be sorry for it. I'm not mad, but I didn't think you'd go out of your way to hack hidden criminal record to expose the!" said Elise, but then smiled. "Then again, we could use more like you."

"Excellent, when do I start?" said Ross, feeling determined.

"Immediately! Arrangements have been made!" said Alex.

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