"Hayley, I never got your number! You have to give it to me. Your style is unbelievable, I need to go shopping with you," she gushed, licking her lips a lot. Pulling out a chapstick, I handed it to her.
The essentials to have when doing drugs? Water bottle and chapstick. Stay hydrated and reapply chapstick to keep from licking and biting at lips or they will swell the next day. When you get high as hell, for some reason the eyes and lips were all over the place, had to concentrate to keep from looking like a crackhead.

Taking different drugs together was a big no-no, but as a wolf, my tolerance was a bit higher than most humans so I easily took three lines as the e pill hit my system.

Closing my eyes, my ears tuned out everything except for the music blasting through the many speakers of Hunters home.

Opening them, I smiled at the blue eyed girl but she was busy making out with a brown haired girl next to her. Getting up, I made my way outside, suddenly needing fresh air.

Before stepping outside, I quickly scanned the room for Hunter, his back was turned and it seemed he was busy doing shots with his group of close friends as they hooted and hollered about something I couldn't hear.

Breathing in deeply as the cold night air flew into my lungs, I looked up at the dark sky, the stars seeming to dance and blur, closing the door behind me.

"Hey, you..." a voice caught me off guard and when I looked left and right I started to think it was the drugs messing with my head. But then a scrawny boy stepped out of the shadows, his eyes glowing like a wolfs.

"Matt..." I whispered as I stared at the boy, his face looked clear, but I knew he didn't have bruises because he probably shifted into a wolf to heal himself.

Slowly the boy walked forward, wearing black pants and a dark blue shirt with a logo on it.

"What happened at school, I'm sorry," I breathed out when he just stood there, looking terrified.

Shock filled his eyes as he stepped even closer, almost as if he were approaching a wounded animal that was ready to bolt. "No, you shouldn't be- look," he stopped, his dark eyes finding mine, "what happened to you wasn't okay. I hope that-"

"Never happened before!" I cut in. "He was just having a bad day and his wolf side took over, honestly he's made up for it. You don't have to worry," the easy excuses tumbled out before I could even think about it. It was routine.

The boy smiled and reached out, to grab me, shake my hand, or what, I had no clue, but sudden fear gripped me tight as I stepped away from him, smacking his outreached hand.

"Don't fucking touch me," I hissed out with a rage so fierce, it even scared me. Matt's eyes widened before they flickered towards behind my shoulder and I already knew who he was looking at as the sudden blast of music filled my ears.

"Hey babe," Hunters voice spoke from behind me. "What's going on?" Looking back, I saw two of his close friends with him as one of them shut the screen door behind him, cutting off the loud music.

"N-nothing baby," I stumbled over my words and over my feet as I walked up to him. "Let's go inside," I pleaded, suddenly afraid of what they would do to this poor little Matt guy.

"Yeah, you go inside," Hunter told me, without looking at me, from where I clung to his arm desperately.

"Baby please," I begged on behalf of this stranger.

"I saw him," I saw the tick of his vein jumping as he clenched his jaw together and I knew there was nothing I could do. The familiar tick is what I've always looked out for when unsure of Hunters mood. Knowing when he was about to be violent. "Try to touch you. Mine," he growled as he shoved me towards the glass door. "Now go."

"No," I said defiantly as I backed away from him, trying to shield Matt, who if he was smart would use this chance to run.

Looking over, I saw Matt was visibly shaking as he held up his hands. His eyes met mine and I mouthed "run" at him with wide eyes, willing him to see the danger he was in. Hunter was vibrating before me, and I knew he would change into a wolf soon.

Matt visibly gulped, before spinning on his heels and dashing off into the woods.

"Grab him and tear out his throat," Hunter told his jockies and they took off running, transforming into wolves before they reached the tree line. Looking over at Hunter, I was shocked he hadn't followed.

Looking down at me, Hunter shook his head. His eyes were unreadable as he gripped my throat with one hand, yanking me close to him, shoving his mouth against mine, our teeth clanked together painfully before he started savagely making out with me, the taste of liquor on his breath as he started pushing my shirt up to expose my breasts and pushed me against the outside wall of the house. Right next to the glass door anyone could walk out of and see us any moment.

Pulling away from him as a drip of a nasty taste from the drugs came down my throat, I gasped for air. "Hunter, please, someone could see-" he spun me around without a word, shoving my body against the cold stone wall, lifting up my skirt, I heard him unzip his pants as I closed my eyes and waited as I felt him slid my underwear aside and slip quickly inside of me. Once again I tried to pull away or protest, but his hand came up to push the side of my head against the wall, as he held me in place, having sex with me from behind.

He grunted and pumped for what felt like forever but must only have been three minutes before he was groaning and I felt him finishing inside of me. When he pulled away, I felt the drip of his cum down my legs.

My insides felt hollowed out as tears sprang to my eyes. I felt cheap. Used. Disgusting.

He flipped me back around, easily like a rag doll, and kissed me once again deeply.
"Mm, fuck babe, that was so hot."
But I didn't say anything, just stared at his chin as far drops of tears splashed down my cheeks
"Go inside," he grunted before pushing away from me. Turning to run off into the woods after his friends.
I prayed that Matt kid was at least a fast wolf.


Holding the small vile to my nose with slightly trembling hands, I breathed in deeply as I held my other nostril closed.

Head dipped low, I was standing by my locker. More and more I was relying on the white powder to keep me afloat, to keep me moving forward. When everything in me told me to just give up. But in a way I was kind of giving up all over again.

So far, it's been two weeks since the day Cayden and I met at the gym. Two weeks since I refused, over a stupid gym outfit. And two weeks since then I've avoided Cayden. It was a shock I hadn't been expelled for missing the tutor sessions.
I was slipping back into old habits, before meeting Cayden and now hope seemed like a distant feeling.

Ever since the disappearance of Matt. His parents coming over the next day to ask Hunter if he's seen his pack member.

"No sir," Hunter easily lied with a straight face, "He didn't come over last night. Last I heard he was hanging around that Cayden kid. Yeah, the pack less guy. We can look into him if you'd like."

And that's how Cayden became a suspect in the disappearance of Matt. So for a week Cayden couldn't even come to school. And when he was cleared and back, I still couldn't bring myself to meet him afterward. Hunters behavior was becoming more violent.

Had he killed Matt? Everything in me said yes. Matt was dead and probably died horribly.

And I couldn't stop the nightmares. If only I hadn't talked to him. If only I had stayed inside. It was all my fault.
If only. If only.

I decided to take in another deep sniff of cocaine.

"Hey," a voice cause me to jump as I quickly put away the vile and wiped at my noses Incase any white powder got stuck there.
Cayden was giving me an odd look now. "We need to talk." His eyes were hard and expression unreadable.
He was angry. And that scared me. The soft Cayden was suddenly replaced by this one, shaking in anger with fists balled at his side.

Looking around, I shook my head. "Please, for your own good, leave me alone." Because Hunter was always nearby, wherever I was, Hunter wasn't long behind. Whoever I talked to, Hunter knew.

He consumed my life and controlled everything that happened to me.

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