"saving the best for last"

Start from the beginning

"Thank you," she said with an appreciative smile.

"Did you watch the video?" I asked her as I tasked myself with putting on mascara.

"Not yet, actually," she said, which got my attention. "How was it?"

I realized I hadn't told Emma anything that happened with Luke admitting to knowing me before our initial interview. Instead of answering her, I pulled up the video and fast-forwarded it to around the time Luke and Pat got into it. I motioned her over and she watched, although she seemed confused.

I let it play out and watched Emma's face as she reacted. I hadn't seen the edited video, but nearly nothing had been cut out from this part. Emma's jaw dropped when Luke mentioned no one knowing about us knowing each other and I bit my lip as I looked back at the monitor.

"Josie! You didn't tell me that happened," Emma scolded, smacking my arm gently after I paused the video. "How did you not tell me about that?"

"I was trying my best to forget about it yesterday! And plus, you were busy, so I never thought to tell you. People are going nuts about it," I told her through a sigh. "You want to watch your cameo?"

"What?" she asked. I smiled before scrolling to the part where Ashton called her. As I observed her watching it, I could tell she was both embarrassed but also pleased. "He wouldn't tell me what that was really for." I urged her to continue watching, wanting to see her reaction when Pat became interested. "Why does Pat act as if he knows me?"

"He does, Em," I reminded her and she sighed before turning around and walking to her desk. I was about to close the video when my curiosity got the best of me; I scrolled down to the comments and saw that the top comment was about me. I quickly closed out and went back to finishing my makeup. I glanced over at Emma to see her looking through some paperwork. I suddenly became aware of a thick tension in the air and became worried that Emma was upset about something.

"Everything okay?" I asked Emma which instantly got her attention.

"Yeah... of course," she said through a quiet laugh. She went back to looking at the papers in front of her and I glanced down to see her leg nervously bouncing up and down.

"Em... you're keeping something from me," I accused her which she scoffed at. "Emma, you're a horrible liar. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Jo," she said with a shake of her head. I squinted my eyes at her as I tried to figure her out and suddenly a lightbulb went off.

"Oh my god... did you sleep with Ashton?" Emma's eyes widened and she looked up at me abruptly. "Bitch! You slept with Ashton Irwin!"

"Would you quiet down? No—Josie, I did not." Emma shook her head rapidly and my eyebrows furrowed. "But... I went over to his place last night and he made us dinner." My face broke out into a smile and she began to blush.

"Sorry—I didn't mean to rush the timeline. It's really sweet that you guys had dinner, that's much better than—"

"No, don't be sorry... god, I hope we sleep together soon. I haven't had sex in over a year." I laughed at Emma's sudden sense of deprivation, and she sent me a small smile. "He's amazing," Emma told me, laughing quietly to herself as she thought about something. "But I'm not kidding—we'd better hook up soon. I've only slept with two guys since Pat... can you believe that?" Just as the words left Emma's mouth, there was a soft knock on our door—our open door. I looked over to see Pat peeking in and my eyes widened. Emma audibly coughed in surprise and I tried to think of something to say.

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