"Babygirl, don't ever say that. You are not a waste of space. You're everything but that." Normani says, slightly agitated that anybody would tell her that. To society (which is basically all surrounding forces,) Vanessa was a suicidal brat, that had no purpose. Everyone calls her a slut, because she gets raped by her family, but in actuality, she's everything but a slut because she gets raped. No one believes that it's rape or molestation, they believe she wants it. In Normani's eyes, Vanessa was the best person in the world. She was actually a nice, caring girl, that cared way too much. She always went back to people that did her wrong, people in her own family. But, Normani couldn't blame her. For one simple reason.
They rape her too.

David, Normani's boyfriend, is Vanessa's dad's brother. Which means he's a big help in raping her and Normani. There's also some more unexpected victims, by the same people.
Tinashe and Ally

Tinashe is a singer, and that's how she got out of being raped. Ally and Normani, however, were not so lucky. David and Vanessa's Dad knew how to manipulate everything to center it around their desires.

"N No one l loves me either."

"Shut up." Normani snaps, causing Vanessa to stop and look at her, causing Normani's look to soften. "I love you. We love you. You can't see it.?"

"I do..But.." Vanessa trails off.

"But what.?" Normani asks curiously.

"I feel like it's fake, like you're going to turn on me and say I was a mistake."

"No. I would never tell you that. If I ever did I'd kiss you and hug you and cuddle you and do anything it took for you to forgive me."

"Anything.?" Vanessa asks.

"Anything." Normani says. Vanessa looks at her, and starts throwing out the first thing she could think of, not even knowing what she's saying, just hearing Normani's response.

"Stay in bed all day and cuddle."

"You got it."

"Hug all day."

"Got it."


"You most definitely got that. I wouldn't miss a chance to kiss you on my worst day." Normani chuckles, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Oh." Vanessa says.

"How about this Babygirl." Normani says.

"What.?" Vanessa looks up.

"Stay there for another week." Normani sighs.

"Manii." Vanessa whines, looking down.

"Uh uh uh." Normani says pulling her chin up. "We'll come get you after that."

"Really.?!" Vanessa says excitedly.

"Okay, okay." Normani giggles. "But, keep it a secret."

"Okay.!" Vanessa replies excitedly. She sees Iggy come out of the store and clings to Normani, who pecks her forehead.

"Go back Babygirl. The first thing she does she'll die and get fed to Preslee." Normani laughs.

"Does she eat human corpse." Vanessa laughs, referring to Preslee.

"She will." Normani laughs before putting her down. "Bye Babygirl. I love you."

"I love you too." Vanessa says hugging her. Normani pecks her lips and lets her leave. Iggy was watching from inside the store, and she decided to come out. When they get back to her house, she goes in her closet, and finds her sharpest knife and strongest rifle. She was going to kill them. Kill them all.

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