Chapter 5: The Witch of Colchis

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The church.

Rin, Shirou, and Lancer arrive at the church in time to see a battle that is clearly one sided. Kirei is surrounded by multiple enemies and is seriously wounded. Archer and Caster are basically watching him get torn apart, while Gawain and Artoria are off to one side. Artoria appears to have collapsed.

When the group enters Lancer says, I will take on Archer. You two need to deal with Caster. Since she cannot use Rule Breaker on you that will be more beneficial to us. The two former masters both agree and they sneak forward to take out Caster and Archer.

Archer hears them coming and informs Caster. "It looks like we have company," he says. Caster responds, "Well I guess you were right that they would be foolish enough to come to us. However, it looks like they brought along Lancer. This could be fun." Archer says, "Leave Lancer to me. You should deal with the kids." Caster smiles, "Alright then let us have some fun."

Lancer and Archer engage each other in combat. Neither seems to have the advantage as they are evenly matched. However, since Lancer has the longer range, this makes it difficult for Archer to fight back easily. He is still able to hold his own though as Rin and Shirou rush at Caster. Rin uses a gem to temporarily blind Caster while Shirou rushes in to strike. Caster is able to use a spell to prevent Shirou from making contact with her. It is clear that the two young mages are well outclassed by Caster as she launches repeated attacks at them. However, using clever tactics Rin is able to create several opens that stop Caster from being able to cast any powerful spells.

Meanwhile as Lancer and Archer are fighting they end up pushing each other outside of the church in the battle as Archer flees from getting struck by Lancer. Once they are outside, Lancer asks, "So what is your real objective in betraying Rin?" Archer replies, "To obtain my primary object this is the easiest path to take." Lancer says, "I take it that winning the Holy Grail is not your objective then." Archer responds, "You are correct. I did not come to this world to win the Holy Grail. I came here to prevent myself from ever being created." Lancer asks, "What do you mean by that?" Archer responds, I am the guardian spirit Emyia. I have lived through countless battles trying to save history. I have become a hero of justice just like I plan on doing while I was alive. However, I have learned the dark truth. Humanity is destroying itself. I wanted to save humanity by saving lives. However, I have time and again been forced to take lives to save them. I wanted to protect everyone and instead I am required to kill person after person for the greater good. It would be better if I never existed. So that is why I am here. I have come to this world with the mission of killing my past self." Lancer replies, "That is some messed up stuff you have in your head. Do you really think that killing your past self will solve anything?" Emyia responds, "I cannot be certain, but it is the only way that I can ensure that I am never created. For that reason I must press forward and kill Shirou Emyia." Lancer says, "That is really foolish of you, but I am currently helping them so I cannot allow you to do so." Archer comments, "Then I will go through you first."

Inside, Shirou and Rin are fighting Caster with all their strength while Kirei is fighting off a horde of creatures that Caster had summoned. Rin and Shirou have managed to get several hits on Caster resulting in blood running down her left arm. Caster has grown tired of fighting them and has begun to use more powerful attacks. This has resulted in Rin and Shirou hiding behind an overturned pew as a large number of spells get thrown at them. Rin says to Shirou, "We need to be smarter about how we do this. I am going to distract her, while you sneak up behind her. After you are in position I will blind her again. That is your cue to run forward and kill her." Shirou replies, "I guess we can try that it couldn't hurt."

The two come out from behind the pew and Rin launches gem attacks at Caster continuously using up nearly all of the gems that she has. While Rin is doing that Shirou sneaks around the wall and gets ready to strike Caster. Seeing that he is ready Rin throws a gem that causes blinding light. Once again Caster is blinded. Shirou rushes forward to defeat Caster. However, his attack is blocked by Gawain, who has left Artoria's side. Gawain says, "I will not allow you to harm her." Unfortunately for him, Rin had a back up plan. She throws a gem at Gawain which distracts him and Shirou slips by driving his sword into Caster's back. With this blow Caster collapses to the ground. Her servants that were attacking Kirei begin to disappear as their master dies. Also Caster's hold on Artoria breaks.

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