Goodie basket

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I went home to an empty house, my mom was either at work or with Tom, her boyfriend. My sister was out at her friends so I was able to have the house all to myself to cry. Justin was my childhood love, he was there when my dad left, and stayed only for another week before he left me to, I don't know what I did, I've asked him, and he wouldn't reply. I've been hurt so much Im sick of it, no one cares, so at the end of the week I won't have any flowers.

I went to the bathroom to roll up my shorts, my cuts were everywhere. my thighs, my wrist, and sometimes on my leg 'by accident'. No one in my family could tell I did it.
I turned on my rap music, listening to Usher because rap is suppose to help when your feeling real low, him and pittbull knew exactly how to make it better, even if the lyrics were stupid.
I continued to cut along my wrist, and added another to my thigh. Leaving a total of five scars, dropping with my past of blood.

I fell to the ground crying.

The doorbell wrung. I jumped up to see my makeup smeared with tear stains, and the blood still ozing.
I quickly wiped my tears and walked downstairs.

Opening the door, I saw Justin. He held a basket of cool ranch Doritos, chocolate bar, and cream cheese icing. I smiled, how could he remember? That I would forgive anyone who brought me this? I looked up at him to see him looking around at me, and noticing something wasn't right.

"Kelsey, what did you do?"


"I smell the blood."

I laughed.

"So now your a vampire?"

"No- I just happen to see the blood drip from your wrist with a nasty odar."

"Rascal, uses big boy words!"

"Your not getting the point."

He glared at me, but I didn't care. I grabbed the basket and slammed the door in his face.
Only for him to put his foot in the way.

"This is serious."

"Opposite of you"

"Come on kel."

I glared at him.

"Fine I won't call you kel, on one condition."

He smirked advancing towards me.

"You, me, subway, now."

"Hmm-- how about no?"

"Okay kel."





"Fine ok! You can take me to subways."

He smirked at me, leading me towards the door, how he got me out of the house I don't know. I do know I can't trust him yet.

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