Where is he

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I started waking up; hearing the noise in the background. It sounded as if the doctor was explaining everything to my mom, as I could hear her sobbing in the background. I opened my eyes a little, seeing my mom curled up next to my real dad, sobbing, as he rubbed her back. I looked over to my younger sister as she sat staring at the door, no emotion on her face. I saw the nurse show some papers to my dad, as I decided to make my pressence known. Yawning I looked over to Justin, to see an empty bed, I started to panick, getting up, I looked around the room for his stuff, rolling the tubes with me. I heard my mom and dad shout at me to stop, but I ignored them, running out of the room, in a blur. Nurses started to run towards me as I peeked in almost every room. I ignored all their shouts as I tried to find out where Justin was, I couldn't live without him, if he was dead, I'll be dead to. A doctor stood in my way blocking the door to one room, I stared at him wanting him to move. I got mad kicking him in the nuts, as I ran in the room in my hospital gown weeling the tubes with me, I felt releived as I saw him sitting there as if nothing had ever happened, with a book in his hands.


I ran up to him, eveloping him in my embrace. I looked in his eyes, and didn't notice what they were before, something told me he didn't know me.


I looked behind me as my mom let out a sob, grabbing onto my dad, as the doctors looked on in sympthy. I looked back at Justin, practically choking on air.

"You don't remember me?"

His eyes lit up for a split second.

"Aren't you that girl in my room?"

I stared at him in shock, and then back at the doctors looking for an answer.

"He has mild amnesia, they don't know how much he has forgotten and don't know when he'll remember everything."

I looked back at Justin, sinking to the floor crying. Everything else seemed to blur around me as I saw the doctors rush toward me, and the room became dark.

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