Chapter 2 Alone

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I ran out of the bathroom to get to Mr. Crude's class. He use to be best friends with my dad, until my dad left. He knows who I am, and hates me. Everyone would think because him and my dad were friends that he would love me, but him, he despises me.


"Yes, Mr. Crude?"

"You're late."

"I have a pass."

He nodded grabing the index card, looking it over he frowned. I think he knew the trick, my dad had taught it to me, and Mr. Crude......


I nodded, trying to hide myself into the seat. While he continued the boring lecture, I looked out the window and frowned.

Why did my dad have to leave? We were so close, but one day he just left, he packed his bags said goodbye, and that he would never see me again. Then I dated my first boyfriend Billy, he left me, then Chad, then Max, and so on, I'm not sure how many guys I dated, all I know is they left me like my dad did.

"You thought I was stupid, didn't you? Your dad taught this to me first!"

Looking around, I realized the room was empty except for Mr. Crude and myself in my seat.

"I had some business to take care of." I said.

"Sounds like a gang."

He really thinks I would be in a gang!

"No. lady issues, and some other shit."

I said as I leaned in raising my eyebrows accusingly.

"You're not dads little girl anymore."

"Never was."

"Ah you thought you were."

I was walking out the door, before I opened it I called out to him.

"And I guess you were never his best friend."

Leaving the classroom I smiled, which turned out to be a big mistake.

"Slut, you got no reason to smile."

"How nice to see you again Brit."

"Would of been nicer if I didn't have to look at you. Why don't you just die, go away, no one loves you, your mom is forced to."

I held the tears back, and walked to my next class. Most of my friends are in private school, which I don't understand why I can't go.

Now for the last period of the day, finally .

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