Chapter Thirteen

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I sigh as I lean against the stone wall behind me. I close my eyes, trying to block the sun rays around me. Currently, we are all gathered in the yard, planning our attack and battle, we might actually lose. I slowly start biting my lower lip out of nervousness, trying to shove out all the grotesque images, that keep popping inside my mind.

"Scared?" I hear familiar voice ask beside me. I crack my eyes open, only to see Caleb with his hand over his electric blue eyes, trying to block out the sun. He stands next to me, face full of worry and anxiety.

"Of what?" I smirk at him and look away from the burning ball in the sky. "I am not scared for myself, Caleb. I have the fucking Shield to protect me anytime." I comment with annoyance dripping inside my tone.

"You don't have to be that grumpy, miss." Caleb rolls his eyes and smiles kindly at me, as if I am some child, that needs lots of patience. "You know, we can take care of ourselves, thank you very much." He adds with a loud and dramatic voice, waving is hands around in the process. "Don't underestimate us, just because, we can't make Energy Shields." He adds with a playful smirk plastered on his lips.

"I am not saying that, because I am arrogant." I add, as soon as I understand what he was getting at. "I am just worried for you. And... If something happens to any of you, it would be partly my fault. If it wasn't for me, that many people wouldn't be participating and risking their lives." I add in lower voice, feeling guilt slowly consuming my consciousness.

"It will not be your fault, C..." Caleb's gaze softens, his smile reaching his eyes. He leans forward, patting my head, like proud fathers do to their daughters. "We chose this path, ourselves. Yes, you encouraged us to take this step, but it was our choice." He explains to be patiently, smile never fading from his face. "If someone dies, they will die with dignity and honor. You don't have to be worried about us. Most of us, have been training for situations like this, duration our whole lives." He adds with joyful smile on his lips. 

I nod and look around, giving final glance to the area around us. Some people are grouped together around the several table in the centre of the yard. They are writing down the tactics and strategies, trying to form a formation, that would stand against The Dark Ones. Others are away from the tables, training and showing off their powers, trying to prove to others and themselves that they are worth of the attention, they are receiving. Some people are like us, talking among themselves in low voices, exchanging ideas and fears. Some are relaxing, lying down on the grass with closed eyes and saving the energy for upcoming fight.

"Don't worry, C. They know how to defend themselves." Caleb whispers in my ear as soon as he notices where I am looking at.

"I know." I nod and smile delighted, finally having lifted the heavy burden off of my chest. "But it doesn't mean, that I will not worry about people around us." I add with lower voice and look at others, who already started forming the lines by the tables.

"I'll better stand in the row." Caleb murmurs as he notices the large row of people by the tables, where instructions are given. "I will tell you everything, deal?" I nod and he runs towards one of the table in the middle of the yard.

"Cass!" I turn around, smiling softly at Ellis, who keeps running at my direction. Her green hair is flying all around her and she keeps panting after stopping in front of me. She looks up with her eyes sparkling in determination. She straightens up after finally managing to calm her breathing and hugs me tightly. "I am proud of you." She whispers to me and grins. "I didn't know you could talk like that, convincing everyone to join the fight against The Dark Ones." She whispers with her voice low and shallow, full of horror and pain. "You know, before you spoke up... I was scared senseless. I wanted to go in the dark corner, where no one would be able to find me, hide and cry till The Dark Ones destroyed everything and left." She adds with a single tear escaping her grip, but she wipes it even before it can reach the chin. "I have met them before, and I have seen them killing off people, I have cared about. So, it would be a lie if I told you that I am fearless. I am terrified of them." She whispers with her voice cracking. "So, when I heard that they were coming... I wanted to fight, I really did, but that blood freezing fear... I couldn't move. I felt my body freezing on the spot, refusing to continue functioning..." She adds with terrified tone. "But, then you spoke up and something twisted inside of me. As if all the fear was sucked out of me." She adds with a bit calmer voice, her gaze becoming somewhat normal. "There is something inside of you, Cassie. Something that I can't name. It is not necessarily bad, but it is something definitely weird. You helped not only me, but everyone to make up our minds and fight against the most terror bringing organization in the history of Elements." She finishes with slight smile adoring her lips.

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