Kyoraku Shunsui

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Ukitake was getting sick, he was already weak during the academy days but as years past it seemed like it was getting worse. (Your Name) had to leave work often to take care of him.

One fall night she came running to Kyoraku barracks in tears. "What's wrong?!" He holds her shoulders as the words stutter out. "J-Jushi-Jushiro hasn't waken up and it's been 3 days."

"He's fine, he will pull through like he always does."

"I'm scared. Lately he's been in bed and unable to function. His coughs keeps him up. I feel like he can't be at peace ."

Kyoraku signs as they walk to (Your Name) and  Ukitake shared room. He was in bed asleep, his face looked discomfort. "Jushiro." She calls out and holds his hand tightly.

Kyoraku knew it was wrong to be upset at the moment even though his friend was unconscious but he was upset (Your Name) could never look at him that way. "Why am I acting like a jerk right now? She's asking for your comfort and I'm just standing here."

He takes a seat next to the bed and quietly gives her company. This was the best he could do for now. "(Your Name) believe in him as he believe in you. He will pull through this."

She wipes her tears and nods. "Thank you."


"Just in case something ever happens to me, I want you to watch over (Your Name) for me." Ukitake says to Kyoraku one night as they shared a cup of sake. "What are you taking about? We are a invincible duo!" He cheers lighting up the mood.

"I'm serious, my body feels like it's giving out soon. And I know your feelings for her. I feel like a bad friend for knowing all these years and acting like I didn't know." He admits looking down ashamed as Kyoraku lost his smiles and looks up to the moon.

"Don't apologize, it was just meant to be this way. Just because I have feelings for her doesn't mean I don't want you two to be happy."

Ukitake sadly smiles and recalls all the good memories they've had at the academy days.  "I know you could give her a better life. When my time comes."

It was a heavy topic but was cut short as Kyoraku promised and told all the stories when he tried to peep into the ladies shower room.

The Quincy attack had came and left Soul Society in chaos. (Your Name) was with Ukitake at his side as he was prepared to give his life up to become the Soul King right hand. (Your Name) had to be pulled away as Ukitake gave her one last smile. She wasn't thinking about the enemy at the moment she just knew she couldn't lose him.

The look on Ukitake face was like him telling her not to cry and be angry. The soft and gentle smile she would never see again.

Kyoraku couldn't help but allow Ukitake to do as he wished, he knew this day was coming. "Goodbye my friend." No tears feel as Kyoraku watch him yell in pain.

The unexpected happen as Ywached pulled Mimihagi from Ukitake as he collapsed and died instantly.

(Your Name) fell onto the floor, the site of her husband murdered and she couldn't be next to him at his final moments. "You have to be kidding me." It was like she was frozen in time. Before she could hold his body she was retrieved by a fellow comrade they retreated from the shrine. "NO! I'm not leaving without him." She begged as the tears fell.

"(Your Name)! You have to pull yourself together! Now isn't the time to be throwing a fit! We have a duty to uphold!" Kyoraku grabs her and yells. She could see the pain in his face. Of course he was hurting as much as she was. Giving one last painful look at Ukitake body laying limp she turned away. "Saving Soul Society comes first."

Without saying a word to Kyoraku she dashed out of site to help the others.


The war was over and (Your Name) had been out of sight for a couple of days after the funeral and burial of Ukitake. She sat on top of the grassy hill looking up to the sky. No more unexpected gifts or watching him trim the bonsai or giving him his favorite food ohagi. The feeling of emptiness engulfed her, the warmth in her eyes were gone.

"There you are." Kyoraku calls out and takes a seat next to her.

"It hurts." she says holding her heart.

"I know." His voice in pain.

(Your Name) hugged her knees and hid her tears from falling again, she didn't want to show her best friend she was crying again. After all they knew each basically their whole lives. "I'm glad I didn't lose both of you."

"He did it for a good reason, it was very unfortunate Ywach took him away from us."

There was silence for a long time and she didn't move from her position. Kyoraku stood from behind and embraced her. "It's okay to cry now. No one is here."

"Time will heal everything." she finally says sinking into the embrace and lifted her head to face him. Her teary eyes the color of waterfall fell as she sadly smile. (Your Name) added "Looks like it's the two of us now".

Kyoraku caresses her hair and hums. "I promised him I would take care of her, thank you for giving me the chance my friend."

"I promise to be by your side (Your Name), when you need me the most."

She looks up and smiles lighty. "Mm I won't lose anyone else important to me anymore."

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