Current plans for Be Serious

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Hey guys, I know it's been a couple weeks since my last update. Working at the farm is tiring so I haven't had much time. Anyway I have put together a small plan for the story's I aim to write in this story, with the first part of the first ark releasing Sunday at the latest. (If nothing stops me, which I don't think will happen)

These will have the title and the summary. Please take notice that these are the main story's, but there will be plenty of other chapters between them that could lead to complete arks themselves.

Anyway these could change, except the first of course since writing has already started.

Ark 1: Breaking Water:
Wally and the team must protect Happy Harbour from a tsunami. But is there a secret plot happening? And tensions between Wally and Dick reach breaking point as Dick sends Miss Martian on a suicide mission. Wally asks if Dick is meant to lead the team.

Ark 2: Anger:
After the events of Breaking Water, Wally and Flash have a talk, leading to Wally reacting harshly to his uncle and once mentor.

Ark 3: Boiling Point:
The events of Breaking Water and Anger come to a conclusion as a battle between two old best friends occurs. The team leader is chosen, leading to anger within the team, with a member making a shocking leave. Meanwhile Miss Martian has to deal with the repercussions of her actions in Breaking Water.

Ark 4: Speed, Magic and Wonder:
The one and only Wonder Woman asks Wally and Zatanna for help with a minor mission planning to teach the two how to work together more effectively, but crazy events lead to the three going to a weird world with its insane king planning on destroying Earth.

Ark 5: Downlow:
Wally has temporarily lost his powers, but that doesn't stop him being the hero he was born to be. The hero has to spy and protect Linda Park, a University student interning under his aunt. Who knows it may end with a date for the wal-man.

Ark 6: Revealed:
Wally's secret identity has been released to the public! Now on top of school work, the team, being a hero and a good son, Wally needs to save his family from a evil billionaire trying to destroy the justice league.

Ark 7: Team Bonding:
Wally and Zatanna decide to take the team out to bond, leading to crazy events and unforgettable memories, leading to Wally and Zatanna at a club, and Cassie being a monster.

Ark 8: Revenge:
After spending a night in jail, Wally and Zatanna are pissed. Enough said.

Ark 9: Anniversary:
The anniversary has arrived. The sad one. The day Zatannas dad put on the helmet of Fate. Wally can't leave his best friend all alone, even if Artemis has.

Ark 10: The Quick:
Wally has a rival. She is smart, she is pretty and most importantly, she takes no Bullsh**. And now she has superspeed. They haven't seen each other for years, but these two cousin like figures won't stop fighting and arguing. Much to everyone's entertainment. But what happens when a mission goes wrong?

Ark 11: Deadly Velocity:
The Flash Family are stuck. They can not stop moving and keep going faster. And of course the one and only Eobard Thawne is involved. And to save the day Wally must unlock new powers like no other.

Ark 12: After Dark:
All power in the world has been shut of. With the league in the watchtower unable to leave, the team must bring back the power and save lives.

Ark 13: Reflection:
A certain team member reflects his life and how he's been wrong in many ways. The events of after dark lead to him maturing and coming up with a shocking decision.

Ark 14: The Amazingly Scary Race:
With Barry out of planet, Wally has been chosen to be the fastest man on earth. But will he be fast enough to save not one planet, not two planets, not three planets, but an entire galaxy? And unexpected apologies.

Ark 15: Flash War:
A prophecy from when he was a kid comes to pass for Wally. To save the world Wally must do the impossible and stop his uncle. No matter what. Even if it means killing his former mentor.

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