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Caroline presses the button and instantly evaporates from the white space. I grin and reset the keyboard into the mainframe. I press another button and a door slides open. I step out of the door, it slams shut behind me.

"Finally, that should do it. The world will reset in about twenty-four hours as she chose. Onto the next world."

. . . . .I take off the small metal piece from my head. I set it back on its charging spot. I rub my eyes and yawn. I turn to the large monitor. This takes far longer than I think necessary. I scroll through the data making sure I didn't leave anything out. All good.

I press the 'x' button at the top of the screen. It closes down and I power of the monitor. I move over to her and unplug the head piece. I remove it and set it on the side counter.

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"Thanks for that," I mutter to the online system connected to the head piece, "Just three more and she'll be done. Then I finish up with the others and I can finally move on." Rubbing my neck, I exit the room leaving her in peaceful sleep until tomorrow.

Memory Renewal 1/4

This is merely the beginning...

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