Chapter Thirty-Seven: L.H.D.

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Friday continues...

Rachel's car pulls up. The back window rolls down. Both Rachel and Lilyth poke their heads out the window. Rachel grins.

"One of you will need to be up front, three in the middle, and we will go in the very back." Lilyth says. I look from Dominic to Heather to Jay.

"You can have the middle on the way their, but I call it on the way back." Heather says.

"Alright." I nod.

"What if I want the front?" Dominic asks. I look at him.

"Do you?" I ask. He stares back for a moment.

"No." He mutters. Out of the corner of my eye I see a small grin from Jay. Dominic climbs in first, then me, and then Jay. Heather slips into the front seat.

"Everyone ready?" Rachel's dad asks.

"Yup." We all chime in. He pulls away from the park and we're on our way to the museum.

"So, Jay, do you like art?" I ask. His face turns a light pink as he turns to me.

"I don't mind it." He replies quietly.

"Have you ever been to the art museum?"


"Oh, well, it's quite interesting. I think you might like it." I smile. He returns the smile back shyly.

We pull up to the museum and Rachel's dad shuts off the car. We all pile up and head inside. We give Rachel's dad our money and he buys our tickets for us.

"All right, we meet back here at seven." He says.

"Ok." We all say and split off in our groups. Lilyth and Rachel head off towards sculptures, Jay and Heather take the left hallway, while Dominic and I just wander around.

"So, Lilyth doesn't like art, but what about you?" I say as we pass many paintings of flowers.

"I mean, it's not my favorite, but I can appreciate it, you know?"

"Does anyone in your family like art?"

"My mom does, but we don't really own any and we don't usually come to these types of places. I mean we have a huge art museum in London, but I've only been there once."

"What was it like?"

"I don't remember. I went when I was about five, way before Lilyth could actually remember it. She was just perfecting her walking, well, that's what she would say. She was terrible at it, kept falling every five seconds," He let's out a small laugh, "I remember once when we had a race outside, yeah little kids racing. It's as terrible as you think. She thought she was so great. Tripped over a tree limb before we even started. She told everyone I tripped her."

"No." I fake gasp. He laughs.


"Who won the race?"

"She did, but I won't let her know I walked the whole way."

"How do you remember all of this?"

"That day scarred me. Right after the race I had tried to climb a tree, following my way older cousin, ended up falling and breaking my arm."


"Yep, no more trees for me." We laugh as we turn the corner.

"Oh, hey, look it's Heather and Jay." I say pointing to the two of them. We come to a stop next to them and I glance at the painting they're staring at. It's a lovely picture of a pond, lily pads, and a girl reading a book underneath a large Weeping Willow.

"Like this one?" I ask.

"A bit." Jay murmurs. Heather shrugs. We continue walking, leaving the two of them to stare at the pond. We find our way to the sculptures. I instantly spot Lilyth.

"So, you see those small letters in red paint?" I hear her say as she points underneath the skirt of one of the sculptured people.

"Yeah, I think so..." Rachel trails off as she peers up the skirt. I'm glad that lady is made of marble, but that doesn't keep the two from getting strange looks from the other people, "Wait a moment. L.H.B.?" Rachel steps back from the statue and gives Lilyth an incredulous look.

"Lilyth Harp Blackdale." Lilyth grins proudly.

"You did vandalize!"

"I don't know what you mean, I've never been here." She shakes her head.

"We also came here on the first week of being here. Mom insisted." Dominic mutters.

"Lilyth!" Rachel exclaims. I lead Dominic away from the two. We continue to explore.

After a while we head back to meet up with Rachel's dad. He grins at us as we surround him. He doesn't seem wary at all, he's perky, just like Rachel. Must run in the family.

"Hey, did you guys have fun?" Her father asks us once we've all gathered. We all mutter our own replies.

"Are we going to eat?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, we can grab food, where do you guys want to go?" He asks.

"Burger place down the road?" Lilyth suggests.

"That is a good place." Rachel's father nods. We all pile back in the car and head to the burger place. We park, heading inside, and select two booths, since we all won't fit in just one. Rachel and Lilyth sit with Rachel's dad while Heather and Jay sit with Dominic and I. It doesn't take too long to order, eat, and then head back on the road. I go to sit in the front seat, but Rachel stops me.

"It's alright, I'll sit in the front." She smiles.

"You sure?" I ask.

"Yeah, no problem." She nods. Heather and Jay take the very back while Dominic, Lilyth, and I take the middle. We head off down the road. I lean against Dominic as he leans against the window.

"This was a relaxing day. I think we needed it after...everything." He mutters to me.

"I know what you mean." I say in barely a whisper.

"What is this guy doing?" I hear Rachel's dad suddenly say snapping me back to attention. I sit up and stare out the front window. A large container truck swerves ever so lightly in front of us.

"Dad just keep your distance and be careful." Rachel says.

"Thank you, I know." Rachel's dad mutters as he glares out the window. A loud banging noise rings through the car and before I know what's happening everything goes black.

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