Chapter Twenty-Three: PARTAY

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Friday Night...

Knock Knock. Knock Knock.

I open the door to reveal a nervous looking Dominic. He smiles up at me. I smile back and then my sister pokes her head out.

"My sister and Jay are coming." I explain. He raises an eyebrow and shrugs. I step outside. Heather and Jay follow behind me. Once again, Jay says nothing. He's such a quiet kid.

"So, I guess we're walking?" Dominic asks motioning to his bike.

"Yes, we are. Sorry, you can leave it parked here." I say.

"That's fine." Dominic says. We continue walking in silence.

"So," I say trying to start up a conversation, "how's life going, Jay?"

Jay looks up and at me, his eyes wide, "Oh, um," he stutters, "fine."

"Just fine?" I question.

"Caroline, leave him alone." Heather snaps.

"I'm trying to start a conversation, gees." I roll my eyes. Dominic gives a curious look to Jay.

"No, it's fine," Jay mutters, "Life has been a bit hard."

"Oh?" Dominic asks.

"Yeah, mom's sick and in the hospital." Jay shrugs.

"Oh, that must suck. Yeah, my sister was in the hospital once for a week. Drove us all crazy." Dominic says. Jay looks up from his feet, some hope in his face.

"Lilyth?" He asks.

"Yeah, she's all better now." Dominic nods.

"So, what sickness put your mom in the hospital?" I ask curiously.

"Caroline!" Heather exclaims.

"Sorry." I mutter rolling my eyes.

"She just fell down a flight of stairs." Jay mutters looking back at the ground.

"Oh, well that can't b-" Dominic puts his hand on my arm cutting me off. He shakes his head no. I raise an eyebrow.

"I hope she gets better." Dominic says. Jay looks back at him and gives the smallest smile.

"Thanks." He says.

"Look, we're here." Heather says with relief. She grabs Jay's hand and yanks him inside.

"Why'd you cut me off?" I ask Dominic when they're out of earshot.

"His mom isn't in the hospital because of stairs." Dominic says.

"But he said-"

"He was lying." Dominic gives me a piercing look that silences all of my questions.

"Oh." I say.

"Come on, let's go party." Dominic gives me a smile, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the large house. Light blind me from everywhere and the music blares. This party is not how I remember it. This is much better.

"Okay, rule one," Dominic yells, "Do not take drinks from strangers unless they're closed."


"VODKAAAA!!!" Some strange dude yells as he runs passed us.

"Oh." I nod. Dominic laughs and leads me through the house. Kate strolls up to us.

"Hey, guys." She says.

"Oh, hey Kate." I smile. She doesn't return it. She looks a bit...down.

"You okay?" Dominic asks.

"Yeah, just peachy." She replies.

"So, how's the party?" I ask.

"It's nice." She shrugs.

"Hey, I'll be right back." Dominic says and walks off.

"Come on." Kate says and tugs me to the back. I get a strong case of deja vu. She leads me to the back patio. Raven leans against the wall, phone to his ear. Ramian and Logan chat while holding two red cups. I spot Lilyth and Rachel by the ping pong table. We stop in front of Ramian and Logan.

"Hey, Caroline." Logan smiles at me.

"Hey, guys." I grin.

"No, I can't find her!" I hear Raven exclaim into the phone.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him. He holds up his hand and turns away.

"He's been on the phone this whole time." Ramian shrugs. That's when I remember the argument. Shu is going to come over soon, but since we didn't go to the field trip yet, I don't know him. None of us do. Raven angrily hangs up the phone and punches the brick wall. I press past Ramian and Logan.

"Raven, what's wrong?" I ask even though I already know. He looks at me. His eyes are full of hatred and anger, but not just that, they're full of hurt as well.

"It's my sister, Maia. I can't find her. No one can. It's been two days already." He says. I put a hand on his arm.

"I'm sure she's alright." He shrugs me off.

"She's not. I can feel it," His voice cracks. He runs a shaky hand through his already messy hair, "I came to the party in hopes of taking my mind off it, but my mom called me and told me the police haven't found her yet."

"I-" I start, but I'm cut off.

"Raven, where have you been?" I turn to see Shu rush up.

"Looking for Maia, you know that." Raven snaps.

"I told you I would help you." Shu says walking closer. This is where I went to grab water, but I am not ready to walk away yet.

"I know, I just, I can't deal with this right now, Shu." Raven says trying to walk away. Shu grabs onto him, but Raven yanks away. I step back next to Ramian and Logan, who are now watching this as well.

"Let me help you." Shu says.

"No, just leave me alone." Raven snaps trying to leave.

"Raven, please!" Shu exclaims grabbing onto Raven again. Raven turns around and raises his hand. He pauses, both of them look at each other, eyes wide. Raven quickly lowers his hand and takes a step back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean t-" Raven says stepping close to Shu, but this time Shu backs up.

"No, I get it. You want to be alone." Shu says, eyes cold. He turns away and leaves the party. Raven stares after him. He turns to us and catches my eye contact. Fear and hurt flash through his dark eyes. Then he rushes after Shu.

"Well, that was stressful." Kate mutters.

"I'm going to go get water." I say and head inside.

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