Chapter Thirty-Eight: Five

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Friday ends...Saturday begins....

I wake up in a silky like material. A white knitted blanket rests on top of a green sheet that lies on me. A white ceiling meets my view as I sit up. My head throbs and my throat feels scratchy. I notice my mom sitting in the chair next to my bed. To my left is a small table with water on it. I grab it and gulp the cup down. I look back at my mom as she lifts her head.

"Caroline? Oh, good you're awake." She yawns.

"What happened?" I ask, my head still pounding, "and can I get some ibuprofen?"

"Oh, yeah, sure," She presses a button, calling the nurse, "What all do you remember?"

"Um, we were on our way back from dinner and the museum. We were in the car. Rachel's dad was yelling at the truck in front of us and then everything just goes black."

"Oh, dear. Well, the truck's back tire popped off and slammed into the car you were in. It dented the front window and threw the car on it's side. The car slammed into the side walls of the highway." It takes me a moment to take all of that in.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask, my eyes widening.

"Well, Heather and Jay were fine just a few scratches and bruises, Lilyth is in a coma, Dominic is still out, but should wake up in a little while. Darryl, Rachel's dad, has to have surgery." Mom replies.

"What about Rachel?" I ask. She doesn't reply.

"Mom, what about Rachel?"

"Honey, she didn't make it."

I stare at my mother for a good five minutes. Another one, gone. I was supposed to save them, but now another one of my friends is dead. I can't save them. Dominic has to save them, so why hasn't he done it yet.

Then it hits me.

I have to show him the door in the tree near the meadow.

If I show him...then he will save them.

"Mom, I have to go." I say and slip out of bed. My world tilts and my head throbs. Tears involuntarily slip out of my eyes.

"No, no. You can't leave your bed. You took a good hit. The tire nearly crushed you." Mom says forcing me back into bed.

"Well, I'm still alive. I need to-" She cuts me off.

"You will wait here until the doctor releases you. The nurse should be here soon."

"But, mom-"

"Hush." The nurse walks in and my mom tells her what I need. I miserably stare at the hospital TV while I await my release.

After a few hours the doctor comes in to tell me that I can wander around just not leave yet. So, I slip out of bed, put on some slippers, and head to Dominic's room. His door is open a crack when I get there. I go to push it open, but stop when I hear voices.

"How could you be this foolish!?" It's a male's voice. Dest.

"Dad, what do you mean? I was just-"

"And you rode with some stranger?"

"He's not a str-"

"Without MY permission!?"

"Mom said I could go."

"Is your mother the man of the house? You know you must always ask me! Because of you, your sister is in a coma! How could you be such a dumbass?!"

"How is that my fault?"

"You're a bad influence on her!"

I step back from the door bumping into someone behind me. I spin around. Dominic's mother stands there. Her black hair and small grey hairs taking over. There's bags under her eyes. Her black eyes have also dulled to a grey.

"I would wait just one more moment." She says softly.

"Is there nothing we can do to get him out of that? It's not Dominic's fault." I say. She smiles sadly.

"There is nothing," She shakes her head. A second later the hospital door is thrown open and Dest stomps out. He doesn't stop to talk to us, he just leaves, "You can go in first, I'll wait out here."

"Thank you," I say as I head inside. I close the door fully behind me. Dominic stares outside the window by his bed. He doesn't turn to look at me. I walk up to his side and sit at the chair next to his bed.

"It's not your fault." I say.

"I know."

"It's wrong of your dad to take that out on you, especially since the stranger's daughter was killed and not his own."

He turns to me, "You heard all of that?"

"Not all of it, but after a good bit I stepped back. Bumped into your mother. She seems tired."

"She is, but after living with him for so long, can you blame her?"

"Not really, no." I mutter.

"I haven't even gotten to check on Lilyth yet. They won't let me leave my bed."

"They just let me leave today. I came straight to you. I can check on her if you'd like."

"Would you, please?"

"Sure thing," I nod and stand back up, "When we're out of here I have a place I want to show you."

With that I leave his room. His mother passes me and goes inside. I find my way to Lilyth's room. This time there's no one inside other than the sleeping Lilyth. She's peaceful, but I know she definitely won't be when she wakes up.

"Maybe it's a good thing you're not awake. You wouldn't be any happier knowing..." I trail off and look away from her. Regret clutches onto me as I leave her room. Somehow I know this is all my fault. I have to try my best to fix it or at least lead Dominic to fix this. I've created a mess bringing the real world back to existence. Sure, the perfect world was collapsing, but at least we were all alive together.

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