Chapter One: Deliver

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The day started out as it always did, perfectly. I awakened to the lovely sound of my alarm clock letting out a soft tiiing. The sun barely wafted in through my cream-colored, flowing drapes. The window slightly peeking out from behind them. I then moved on to take a shower and dress for school, meeting my parents downstairs for breakfast. My father sits at the edge of the table, newspaper in hand. My mother is putting out pancakes and orange juice, while Heather, my sister, helps her set the table. I walk in, ready for the day.

"Goodmorning father, mother, and Heather." I say to them.

"Goodmorning." My father smiles, looking away from his newspaper, his dark grey eyes finding me.

"Goodmorning." Mother says, her light grey eyes gleaming.

"Goodmorning, Caroline." Heather says, fluffing out her light grey hair after setting down the last fork. They completely finish setting the table and take their seats. I sit next to Heather. We begin, in turn, putting food onto our plates. I slather my pancake with syrup.

"How did you sleep, Caroline?" Father asks, setting down his newspaper.

"I slept very well, and you, father?" I reply.

"Oh, I slept well also. How about you, Heather?" This went on as it normally did as we finished breakfast. When we're finished, Heather and I help take all of the plates and cups to the kitchen. Then I grab my backpack and we head out to catch the bus. Heather is in ninth grade and I am in tenth, so we ride the same bus together. When the grey vehicle arrives, Heather and I board. I start to move down the rows and instantly spot my friend waving me over. Her dark brown eyes show excitement as I sit next to her.

"Goodmorning." She grins.

"Goodmorning." I reply. I glimpse Heather take a seat next to her friend, Jay. He doesn't talk much, but neither do many boys his age. I watch as he nervously runs a hand through his very dark grey hair when Heather sits down. Curious. His dark grey eyes skim her as he welcomes her quietly to sit with him.

"How did you sleep?" Kate asks, pulling my attention back to her.

"Oh, very well, and you?" I respond.

"I slept well too. I find it cute how Heather and Jay get along. Usually, boys in the ninth grade don't really become close friends to girls yet." Kate says. The two boys in front of us turn around.

"That's right, we didn't really start becoming your friends until last summer." The first one with very light grey hair and light grey eyes says.

"Yeah, we were a bit shy at first, but made close friends with each other anyway. Glad we met you too." Says the second one who has medium grey hair and just as light grey eyes.

"We're glad we met you too as well." Kate laughs. The bus begins to roll off to the next stop.

"So, anything new with you guys?" The first boy, Logan, asks.

"Nothing really." I reply.

"No, how about you guys?" Kate replies.

"Baseball started up for the new season, I can't wait to join." Logan grins. The second boy, Ramian, grins with him.

"I can't wait to watch and take pictures." Ramian says. I forgot he's more of the artistic type.

"Oh, yeah, when does the Photography club start up again?" I ask.

"Tuesday, but you need to sign up today. It's the last day to sign up." Ramian responds.

"Alright, thanks." I nod. The bus stops again and lets on more people. One of them spots us and moves towards our seating. He sits across from Logan and Ramian. His wild medium grey hair looks unkempt and his dark grey eyes look unrested.

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