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Start from the beginning

She stabbed and swung downwards on the rushing droids with her lightsaber before ditching that method and simply using the Force to sweep back wave after wave of droids away from the starship. It was more effective this way. 

"Move away from the bay door!" Master Secura shouted, and Astrid quickly stepped away from the door and ducked low to avoid stray blaster fire that managed to get through the now closing door. 

Their starship lifted into the air, sending droids sprawling across the surrounding area with the force of its engines. Astrid hoped Anakin and Master Kenobi had managed to get to their ship safely. 

Astrid stumbled towards the starship's internal commlink and punched in the code that would connect them to Master Kenobi and Anakin's starship. "Master Kenobi? Anakin? Are you there yet?"

She was greeted with static. 

Master Secura voiced from where she sat in the pilot's seat, "They most likely haven't reached their ship yet. Do not despair, young one." She gave Astrid a cursory look. "And even if they had  been gravely injured, rejoice, for they will become one with the Force." 

Astrid felt nothing but annoyance at her master's words. Master Kenobi and Anakin had risked their own lives to save Master Secura, yet she was nothing but indifferent to their possible deaths. And their deaths would be indirectly caused by her being captured. 

Astrid turned away from her master to hide the feelings inevitable flickering across her face. But Aayla Secura must've sensed her turmoil and anger through the Force because she said softly, "Astrid, you must be careful with your emotions. Attachment is risky. It is a path to the Dark Side." 

Astrid didn't answer and instead simply looked out the window at the rainforest that was growing smaller and smaller the higher their starship rose into the atmosphere. She searched the open sky for signs of another starship, but when their own starship entered through the blanket of cloud, her vision of the moon below was obscured.

Astrid sighed as she slumped into the co-pilot's seat. She wondered absently if Master Kenobi was allowing Anakin to pilot their starship. 

Soon enough their starship exited the moon's atmosphere and into space, and before Master Secura could put enter them into hyperspace back to Coruscant, Astrid suggested quickly, "Maybe we can wait in orbit around Yavin IV to see if Master Kenobi and Anakin safely exit the moon." 

Now, this is how it felt to be Master Secura: She understood Astrid's anger and conflict. She, herself, had felt the grips of attachment before, and she had even given in to her attachment and married the person she'd fallen in love with, though nobody knew but one other person, the person who she married.

Yes, Master Secura didn't want to leave Master Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker behind, especially after they saved her life, but she knew what needed to be done. She needed to report to the Jedi Council what she had discovered and learned, which was a priority over Master Kenobi and his Padawan's safety. 

Master Secura shook her head. "The Separatist base will be detaching their own starships soon. We need to leave before they show up. Hopefully, Master Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker will have left the moon by then." 

Astrid clenched her hands into fists, and her nails left pale crescent moons in the skin of her palm. Her palm stung with pain as her nails broke skin. At least the pain distracted Astrid from her anger. 

From beside her, Master Secura flipped their ship into hyperdrive, and their ship shuddered for just a moment as it shot into space, the stars blurring around them in streaks of blue and white as they traveled at light speed. 

The Tragic Jedi  | Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now