Start from the beginning

"How about we try wiping off the blood around it with alcohol then dab a bit of it on the wound itself to prevent bacterial infection?" Namjoon suggested.

"I'll go find a bottle of alcohol or just some alcohol pads," Jin said and walked away.

"And I'll search for clean bandages and any medicine we can use," I said and walked off.

Chung Ae must have felt awkward around Namjoon and Taehyung, so he tagged along with me. I was walking as fast as I possibly could to find any bandage we can use.

"Seo Yeon," Chung Ae called out as he caught up with me.

I gave him a brief look and then started searching again.

"I'm glad you are back," I said as I was busy searching for the bandage.

I found a room filled with boxes and cabinets, so I decided to enter that. As I was searching as fast as I could, Chung Ae stood at the door and observed me.

I gave him a brief glance as I searched then said," It will be greatly appreciated if you can help me."

He walked forward and bent down over one of the boxes and started searching in it.

"Weird how I thought I'll be welcomed a bit more politely and enthusiastically than this," He said and it made me feel a bit bad that I didn't show him how glad I was that he is alive. He did risk his life after all trying to help Taehyung from dying, and he also disinfected my leg.

"I'm sorry. I was just... busy with all this. Jimin is deeply injured and he could die any second now. I don't want to lose him again," I said after a short pause and then started searching again.

"I noticed that all of you are kind of close. Are you related in any way?" He asked me while fiddling with the things in the box.

I gave him a look that said "Are you seriously going to keep on playing with the supplies and asking me questions instead of searching?" and said," They are my idols, and I'm their ARMY. Can we search a bit quicker now? Jimin is dying."

"I actually find it a bit strange that-" He tried to say but got interrupted by me banging my fist onto the box with frustration.

"What part of 'Jimin is dying' do you not understand?!" I shouted. He was taken aback by my sudden explosion. I just gave him a death stare but then I realized that I was losing control of myself in the wrong timing.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I am just anxious right now. Please, we can talk as much as we want later on. But let us save Jimin first. Please," I said and he nodded.

"Alright. I just wanted to gain your attention. I was selfish," He said and lowered his head down. My heart kind of ached seeing him so down after he woke up from being unconcious for too long, but Jimin was my only priority right now. If I lose him, I'll most probably kill myself. He can't leave me ever again.

After searching for so long and fiddling with things that I didn't know how to use, I finally stumbled across a sealed pack of white bandages. I smiled at it then made my way back as fast as I possibly could. Chung Ae was still fiddling with some stuff in there, but I couldn't care any less. Again, Jimin was my priority.

"I found bandages!" I let out with excitement. Namjoon looked at me gratefully and then grabbed them from me. Jin was already there with a bottle of alcohol and some alcohol pads.

"Okay guys. Let's do this," Namjoon let out but before he could start disinfecting Jimin's wound, he got interrupted by Chung Ae.

"I can stitch his wound," He said and all our eyes widened at him.

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