Reason 8 || Gina ||

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Dedicated to ThePlumbob for being a hilarious anonymous user!

Reason 8 || Gina ||

 Oh Gina, I was the worst sister ever.

I remember taking your blanket away and you started crying for Mom and Dad.

I ran around in circles around the house.

I finally trapped myself in one of the corners of the house...

How stupid of me.

I remember Mom taking the blanket, yanking out of my hands. 

I screamed like a madman.

I fell dramatically down the wall, crying and yelling out that it wasn't fair.

To be perfectly honest, I didn't know what I was crying for. Maybe I was just doing it for the sake of doing it.

Gina, I love you.

You are so cute and adorable. I wish, I wish you were as bad a sister as I were to you.

Sorry this letter is so short, you just came in and asked me if I wanted some ice cream. I just started crying and you sat next to me and asked me why I was crying.

I could only answer, "Your sister might become an angel soon."

You smiled though, you thought the idea of becoming an angel wasn't something to cry about.

Oh sweetie, if only you knew the pain it took to become an angel.

The agony, the pills, school, the world. Angels are like devils. They are just stronger than those angels who have fallen. Maybe I won't be an angel, because I am sure not strong.

Gina, I'm sorry for being the worst sister in the world.

I hope I'm an angel from where I am now.

Gina... you didn't kill me. I just hope I didn't kill you.

                   Forever Love,

                            Cath <3

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